View Full Version : E2 skin modify

29-06-15, 12:54
Can anyone recommend a E2 skin editor ?
I used to use E2 Skinner but the vix skins no longer load into that program.
The E2 skinner had the advantage of showing what you are modifying at the time, instead of making a change loading it to box by trail and error


30-06-15, 11:09
for vix, the best is Notepad++ :)

its a shame those softwares like e2skinner dont work for vix, it certainly would make skinning easier.

there is another tool, openskin designer or something like that by the folks who made the original metrix skin.
although this doenst work either, the source is open, im sure

30-06-15, 13:25
Yes tried openskin also
Looks like its down to trial and error ?

30-06-15, 13:31
at first

if your good with maths it will help with positioning and stuff
the more you do, the more you'll get an idea on spacing/sizes etc.