View Full Version : [TM-NANO-3T COMBO] EPG no longer showing after latest update

29-06-15, 09:52
The graphical multi epg no longer displays the correct screen since upgrading to Hades 14. Before the behavior was:

- press EPG button
- graphical multi epg displays

The behavior now is:

- press EPG button
- screen with no EPG information is displayed. The screen is similar to the one displaying the list of channels on the left side and the now/next info on the left side.

I have tried several combinations for EPG configuration but nothing seems to work. I have not tried to change skin or delete EPG file (the EPG displays all the correct information on the web interface or when apps connected to the box).


abu baniaz
29-06-15, 13:27
Have you installed anything else? Have you changed any options?

29-06-15, 15:46
I waited until Saturday night to install the update. As soon as the device rebooted I noticed that the EPG was no longer working as before. No extensions were installed in the last week or after that (until this morning, when I installed OE-OnDemand). Is there any ay to collect a log that shows what event is being triggered on EPG button and what screen is being displayed?

29-06-15, 16:51
What happens if you long press the EPG button & you pick Graphical EPG?

29-06-15, 17:12
on VU+ DUO2 no problems.

abu baniaz
29-06-15, 18:51
TM Nano-3T combo here working fine on Hades Release 014.

29-06-15, 19:54
Did a long EPG button press and for the following menu options:
- graphical EPG
- infobar EPG
- multi EPG
- show EPG for current channel

got the exact same result, no EPG information, just a blank screen. I have attached below the screen I am getting.


The only EPG that I can get to work is when I press the up button followed by the bouquet I want to check (in the picture below it shows "favourites tv").

I assume I can rebuild the complete system and get everything working again but I rather not do that as it is time consuming and the whole family complains a lot when I have to spend time doing these type of things.


abu baniaz
29-06-15, 20:11
Can you upload the file called "settings". It is located in /etc/enigma2/ Read it first for any sensitive details like email addresses. Zip/winrar it and post as an attachment.

The only other thing that could show the issue is if you enbale debug logs. ( restart requred for tehis to take effect). Repeat the prcoess of pressing EPG a few times. Then upload teh debug log, it will be found in /home/root/logs/ Attach it to post instae of pasting contents.

29-06-15, 21:37
I have attached the settings file. I'll try to upload some logs later today.


abu baniaz
29-06-15, 21:44
You've done something in button setup as indicated by this line.


One way of fixing it is

1. Put Enigma to sleep with telnet command "init 4"
2. Delete the line mentioned above in the settings file.
3. Ensure transfer back to receiver completes.
4. Restart receiver with telnet command "init 3"

29-06-15, 21:47
And here is the log.


29-06-15, 21:49
I'll try changing the button setup again. That was done after the issue appeared, in one of the attempts to fix it.

29-06-15, 22:13
Here is the log captured after changing the settings.

abu baniaz
29-06-15, 22:26
Not sure what it should be changed to, this is why I said to delete the line and restore the defaults.

Just for reference, ythis is what I get when I press EPG.

KEY: 365
KEY: 365
action -> InfobarEPGActions EPGPressed
[SKIN] processing screen GraphicalEPGPIG:
warning, skin is missing element number in <class 'Screens.EpgSelection.EPGSelection'>
warning, skin is missing element jump in <class 'Screens.EpgSelection.EPGSelection'>
warning, skin is missing element primetime in <class 'Screens.EpgSelection.EPGSelection'>
warning, skin is missing element timeline2 in <class 'Screens.EpgSelection.EPGSelection'>
warning, skin is missing element timeline3 in <class 'Screens.EpgSelection.EPGSelection'>
warning, skin is missing element timeline0 in <class 'Screens.EpgSelection.EPGSelection'>
warning, skin is missing element timeline1 in <class 'Screens.EpgSelection.EPGSelection'>
warning, skin is missing element timeline4 in <class 'Screens.EpgSelection.EPGSelection'>
warning, skin is missing element timeline5 in <class 'Screens.EpgSelection.EPGSelection'>
warning, skin is missing element change_bouquet in <class 'Screens.EpgSelection.EPGSelection'>
warning, skin is missing element page in <class 'Screens.EpgSelection.EPGSelection'>
[SKIN] processing screen GraphicalEPGPIG_summary

You are getting this

KEY: 365
KEY: 365
action -> InfobarEPGActions EPGPressed
[SKIN] processing screen BouquetSelector:
[SKIN] processing screen SimpleSummary:
KEY: 352 OK

29-06-15, 22:35
looks like you've got the 'show bouquet at launch' option set of the gEPG so it prompts you to select a bouquet when you press the EPG button.
You could try pressing epg, then pressing menu and turning this option off, then exit out, restart and see what happens

Is there something wrong/unusual with your bouqets?

30-06-15, 09:24
I did try changing the 'show bouquet at launch' to off but it made no difference. I can try again tonight and collect another log if necessary. My main bouquet is a mix of terrestrial, sat (two sats) and online. I do have other bouquets that are just terrestrial or one sat at the time. All worked fine before the update. I do get the same behavior in all the bouquets.

01-07-15, 09:17
I have changed the settings so that it goes straight to EPG instead of showing the bouquet list. It still behaves the same way. I have attached a new copy of the log file.

01-07-15, 10:55
Just reflash so, would be easier than trying to work out what settings are messed up on your box.

01-07-15, 13:43
I was trying to avoid a re-flash but I guess no other option is available.