View Full Version : McDon@lds Restuarant - What do you think f this issue?

28-06-15, 15:31
Hello All,

I have been a vegetarian for 25 years, and yesterday I went to one of their restaurants in Liverpool. I ordered amongst other things a veggie burger, which duly came out, I started to eat it and as I was talking to my kids and wife and having a general laugh, i didnt notice until swallowing my first small bite that it wasnt a veggie burger!! It was a chicken burger but in a veggie burger box.... Oh my days!!!

Now I am not a moaner but was pi$$ed off and have asked in compo for a donation to Claires House Childrens Hospice, now my question is how much do you think is accetapble? Is it 50, 100 or 10 quid?

Thoughts please? But dont have a go at me for being a vegetarian - its my choice, and I should have the right to choose to eat or not to eat meat.

I would be more forgiving of Mcd's if it was a chicken burger in a chicken burger box, I would accept most of the responsibility but it was a chicken burger in a veggie burger box.

MCds have alread accepted responsibility for the at on their part.


28-06-15, 15:40
Well im no veggie but i think what they have done is disgusting in terms of law you would be intitled to thousands of pounds. think giving it to a charity is vey nobel and generous of you and i would not accept anything less than £1000 to the charity and they would be getting off lightly compared if you took it to court or the authoritys.

28-06-15, 16:22
£zero - someone on minimum wage probably where their first language is not English made a mistake - what do you really expect from a McDonalds outlet misrepresented as a "Restaurant"? Surely you should be asking if their veggie burgers are cooked on the same griddle as their full fat meat burgers?

Mr. Mister
28-06-15, 16:59
No1.. Fair play for being a vegitarian .. no one should ever have a go at you for that..

But have to agree with adm here..

Beats me why anyone would eat that sh*t at anytime in their life..

It IS the worst so called food you could put in your mouth..

Just full of all sorts of additives and preservitives ..

I am by no means a health freak.. but i would not allow my kids to eat that muck..

28-06-15, 17:51
if you got a replacement veggie burger i would think that compensation enough.
if you didnt feel like accepting a replacement due to being 'put off' by what you received and tasted, then i think compensation should be awarded to the price of a veggie burger/chicken burger whichever is the dearest.

john doe
28-06-15, 18:20
right a letter to the head office and give them what for! your right to ask for compo and for a good cause. leave it to them on the amount and see what they come back with a few hundred ££ is reasonable.

good luck

28-06-15, 21:08
Whilst I agree that the food is not the best, it was a treat for my son who does like the food, and also agree that it was someone who is probably on minumum wage.

Being on minimum wage doesn't excuse or provide a fair response for what happened. If you took your car to a puncture repair place and the fella didn’t tighten the nuts up properly coz he was on minimum wage and you subsequently damaged your vehicle, would you excuse them because you should of took your car to the poor performing tyre place, or the guy who done the repair was on minimum wage?

We were in town, going the pics at 4 and needed something fast as it was 3.30 and it was a special day for my youngster. That being said, they must be doing something right as they are one of the most powerful and richest companies going?



28-06-15, 22:21
Whilst I agree that the food is not the best, it was a treat for my son who does like the food, and also agree that it was someone who is probably on minumum wage.

Being on minimum wage doesn't excuse or provide a fair response for what happened. If you took your car to a puncture repair place and the fella didn’t tighten the nuts up properly coz he was on minimum wage and you subsequently damaged your vehicle, would you excuse them because you should of took your car to the poor performing tyre place, or the guy who done the repair was on minimum wage?

We were in town, going the pics at 4 and needed something fast as it was 3.30 and it was a special day for my youngster. That being said, they must be doing something right as they are one of the most powerful and richest companies going?



My daugter works in mcdonalds and she certainly isnt on miminum wage far from it.

Veggie burgers are cooked in the fryer which is not allowed to be used for any other products then stored in the hot draws till needed why the poster above thought you would cook a breaded veggie burger on a griddle i have no idea.

Make them make a nice big donation at the end of the day what if you had had a allergy against chicken you might not have been here to let us know what had happened.

There a massive company and any donation would be tax deducatble so not going to hurt them in the slightest

28-06-15, 22:46
Being on minimum wage doesn't excuse or provide a fair response for what happened. If you took your car to a puncture repair place and the fella didn’t tighten the nuts up properly coz he was on minimum wage and you subsequently damaged your vehicle, would you excuse them because you should of took your car to the poor performing tyre place, or the guy who done the repair was on minimum wage?

The law is clear. The tyre fitter isn't responsible for ensuring the car is roadworthy - the driver is! It's one reason why you should thoroughly check a hire car when picking it up.

Not withstanding the legal case, in this situation any compensation would be limited to the damage to the car and any costs in getting it repaired. In you case the compensation should be proportional to your loss. I assume you haven't taken an extra week off work as a result of eating a mouthful of meat, sought medical advice etc. so a replacement burger or the refund of the purchase price is about right. You are not complaining that the food was unsafe to eat. Anything over and above would be a good will gesture by the company.

While you have every right to complain about McDonalds and the poor service you got but has it any bearing on what we think they should pay.

As for doing things right. Don't they just aim their advertising at gullible children who then go on to pester/nag their parents and are they not part of the problem with childhood obesity? Who suggested McDs, you or your child?

28-06-15, 22:57
The law is clear. The tyre fitter isn't responsible for ensuring the car is roadworthy - the driver is! It's one reason why you should thoroughly check a hire car when picking it up.

Not withstanding the legal case, in this situation any compensation would be limited to the damage to the car and any costs in getting it repaired. In you case the compensation should be proportional to your loss. I assume you haven't taken an extra week off work as a result of eating a mouthful of meat, sought medical advice etc. so a replacement burger or the refund of the purchase price is about right. You are not complaining that the food was unsafe to eat. Anything over and above would be a good will gesture by the company.

While you have every right to complain about McDonalds and the poor service you got but has it any bearing on what we think they should pay.

As for doing things right. Don't they just aim their advertising at gullible children who then go on to pester/nag their parents and are they not part of the problem with childhood obesity? Who suggested McDs, you or your child?

Thanks but, in your world then no one is responsible for anything when they fail to complete what they have been paid or asked to do as you should check everything? The workmen wasnt responsible for the light falling becuase he used 1 inch screws, it was your job as the householder to check the screws. The gas fitter was hungover and didnt put the cover on teh boiler properly, you all get CO poisoning, but in your world you are saying you are responsible as you should of checked, possibly had a CO alarm and havent lost nothing - just a bit of CO poisoning?? Strange..... You can have your views, but I do find it strange.

With regards to my children and eating at McDs, that is my choice. I cant remember the last time me or my kids went there and it was a treat. Me eating there, child obesity, quality of food is not the issue.

The issue is I havent eaten meat in 25 years, I did not ask for meat. The meat came out in a veggie burger box which - I took a bite and ate it before realising it was meat. It is my choice if I do or dont eat meat. Not McDs - they took that choice away from me.

28-06-15, 23:07
My daugter works in mcdonalds and she certainly isnt on miminum wage far from it.

From their current UK web site

16/17 starting is £4.25/hour
18/21 starting is £4.65/hour
22+ starting is £5.55/hour

The Goverment (2014) minimum wage figures are
Under 18 £2.73
18/20 £5.13
21+ £6.50

29-06-15, 07:45
Did you spit or swallow?

29-06-15, 08:31
From their current UK web site

16/17 starting is £4.25/hour
18/21 starting is £4.65/hour
22+ starting is £5.55/hour

The Goverment (2014) minimum wage figures are
Under 18 £2.73
18/20 £5.13
21+ £6.50

there is a big word in that post of yours thats says STARTING and our out of date i believe these were the 2011 starting wages

You only get paid the STARTING rate whilst being trained you then get an hourly bonus for every module of training you complete and theres something like 28 modules each worth upto 50p per module.

For instance my duaghter is just turned 18 and shes on over £7.50 a hour after less than a year with the company which is a damn sight more than your quoted £4.65.

whats more frightening about all this is the fact the supervisour/manager whos ment to do the expediating and checking the right item is in the right box and that the food on the hot counter is still within it designated time and tempreture
is on anywhere between £10.50 and £18.50 per hour so not only was his burger boxed wrong by the kitchen staff but on top of that the manager in charge of that section was incompetant of doing his/her job or had gone MIA which is a total no no inline with head office policies.

So no the cook would not have been on Minimum wage as described as if they were still learning and on that minimum wage they would have had a trainer with them at all times.

You cant just blame the cook you then have to look at the managments roll in all this and why they were breaching company policy and not expidiatng the food as they were supposed to whilst on double the minimum wage.

29-06-15, 19:14
Did you spit or swallow?

Unfortunately I swallowed the first bite and thought that isnt a veggie burger... then looked at it and though oh feck.... My digestive system hasnt seen any meat in 25 years... Haha...