View Full Version : Pli mystery

15-12-10, 13:41
can someone help me with this...i have used all of the images available for the duo...i chop and change once or twice a week when they become avilable just out of interest.....the bottom line is i can understand why people love VIX and also why some love VTI and previously how good DE was....i have even found gigant a reasonably good image to use...

why does anyone want to use PLI...i dont get it...its an awful image and dominants in one area for me only...the world of the green screen (followed by a reflash)...when there are so many good images about why is this awful image (dreambox based as far as im concerned anyway) used by so many....we will be making Wagner a moderator next

15-12-10, 15:20
i think gigant isnt good at all it kept green screening when i was trying to manuall scan on disec 1.2

vti is ok

vix 1.3 seems to be running fine at the moment 100/100 at the moment

dreamelite, gone now

pli i thought was okay i would rate it 70 percent out of 100

and nabilo blackhole, i would say 50/50 on everything,so to me none are 100 percent perfect at the moment, but the best running believe it or not is vix for stability, at the moment, i might try and put it to the test and change settings and see if it green screens

15-12-10, 15:43
I`ve tried most off the images out there but always return to PLi, no problems here with it, plus it`s the only "open source" image available to anyone, aside from the original manufacturers image.

15-12-10, 16:12
using tododream at the moment as it supports my dtt stick, as soon as either pli or vix have dtt support I will change.

15-12-10, 17:41
why do people want to keep changing their image? why dismiss DE if it does the job why change... i think it`s little boys playing with their little toys...........

15-12-10, 17:44
Guys i'm watching this thread, please don't let this get into a tit for tat flame war, everyone is entitled to use their image of choice and have their opinion :)

15-12-10, 17:46
an image is al lupon user preference and although i'm stuck on VIX and love it the pli image has gotten very far in development and are on OE 2.0 so i owuldn't knock it down just like that.

what i suggest is you try an image and f you like it keep it if not then no big deal

15-12-10, 17:48
there's a new kid on the block G3 from Gemini, it's an excellent image, thing is for me it's missing some of the features that was there for DB's, so it's a no no for me.

regards: canthackit

15-12-10, 17:49
why do people want to keep changing their image? why dismiss DE if it does the job why change... i think it`s little boys playing with their little toys...........

and why not ?. personally i dont like PLI but my satellite is a hobby for me and as a hobby i like to experiment with it.

15-12-10, 17:54
Hi satsatsat

I totally disagree with your comments, I've been using Openpli for the last 8 months or so on my VU+Duo & find it to be the best. I've tried all the other images, but much prefer Openpli. Its very simple to use, has great support (Unlike others) up to date downloads. The only time I've ever had it Green Screen is if I've added something myself Incorrectly. Before doing anything like this there is a simple option of making a Full Backup onto either your Hard Disk Or Memory Stick. Its that simple, at the end of the day its personel preference.

Anyway mate, when will Wagner be joining us !


15-12-10, 18:55
yes, fair comment.

15-12-10, 18:57
and why not ?. personally i dont like PLI but my satellite is a hobby for me and as a hobby i like to experiment with it.

yes, fair comment.

15-12-10, 22:17
The OP must be doing something specific to make his receiver crash. There is nothing fundamentally unstable about the last PLi image release.

Also, I personally think their Magic skin is the best and wish it was ported to other images such as ViX.

15-12-10, 22:26
i think gigant isnt good at all it kept green screening when i was trying to manuall scan on disec 1.2

vti is ok

vix 1.3 seems to be running fine at the moment 100/100 at the moment

dreamelite, gone now

pli i thought was okay i would rate it 70 percent out of 100

and nabilo blackhole, i would say 50/50 on everything,so to me none are 100 percent perfect at the moment, but the best running believe it or not is vix for stability, at the moment, i might try and put it to the test and change settings and see if it green screens

What most of you have to ask is why all the green screens, the simple answer is you have added a bad plugin or similar, these images are tested very well by beta testers.

I had to highlight your post jjp2701 Nabilo Black Hole, Nabilo have never made a Vu image and have not made a Dreambox image for over a year.

Lastly as mentioned by Sic, everyone has an opinion and if we all liked the same things it would be boring.

15-12-10, 22:51
What I can't understand is how so many people have strong opinions about images which have been barely changed from their original Engima 2 source - I judge PLi and Blackhole DE to be in this category.

What Vix has done is take popular plugins, improve their code and integrate them elegantly as a default option. Apart from those couple of great plugin integrations it's pretty much just Enigma 2, like everything else.

15-12-10, 23:11
Hi guys

As the boss said everybody will have an opinion good or bad on any of the images available for the dream or vu+.... Maybe some of you dont recall the bad old days of just getting whatever software was installed with the receiver with no way of playing or changing the way the receiver works.

*** Warning --Warning -- Old Fart remembering the Good Ol Days **** lmao

Whatever your opinion is with any of the images available my opinion is very simple...try them until you find one that suits your needs, if its not all you expect then take an active part in the discussions that take place,submitt your ideas inform about the bugs, all this can only in the future help the people like andy and the team develope that perfect image that you seek.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you All