View Full Version : Understanding Mgcamd etc

27-06-15, 10:22
I have a VU solo2. When I bought the box I knew nothing and setting it up was a daunting prospect. I am of an age where I remember BBC2 being launched, taking the grand total of channels up to 3 - how times have changed. it is now set up with all the 'whistles and bells' working perfectly - this has been done from reading posts on here and direct help from many kind people on this site.

The problem is most of it has been done 'parrot fashion' and there are bigggggggg gaps in my understanding of what I have done. Is there an idiots guide to cams/softcams/mgcamds/newcamds/oscams what they do and how they interact with each other.

I must warn you that this question may lead to many more - think carefully before getting involved :D


28-06-15, 16:54
If anyone gave you a worthwhile reply to this subject it is unlikely to be within forum rules.

Easier to search the net for information on cams and what they do, then come back here to ask any specific questions you have that can be asked here.

28-06-15, 19:02
Understood. When you go into plugins/softcams you are presented with a number of different cams - what's the difference between them and how do you know which one to choose.

28-06-15, 19:47
Each softcam pretty much does the same thing. Difference is that all of them are configured in a different way. The most common, and simplest, is cccam. So Google how to config cccam and you will get some idea. And in my day we only had 1 channel, some years later we had 2. How great it was to be able to switch between channels :-)