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View Full Version : [ABM-MISC] Last Scanned

23-06-15, 08:53
I hope I'm putting this in the correct section.

I'm using a TM Nano SE on Hades 13.

Two evenings ago I accidentally did a manual scan when checking the signal from the transponder I was on at the time. It brought in 10 channels which I now see have attached themselves to a bouquet called "last scanned" in my epg (bbc1 is still at the top of my "all channels" section). Now all my channels have moved up 10 places (eg.) BBC1 is now 111 instead of 101, BT Sport HD is now 423 instead of 413 etc etc. Typing in 1-10 brings up the manually scanned channels.

I rescanned ABM and deleted / rescanned the epg but things are the same. What, if anything, can I do to rectify this?

23-06-15, 09:06
In ABM configure menu put ABM bouquets = top.

23-06-15, 09:13
Will try that shortly. Do I then rescan abm &/or epg to get it to take effect?

23-06-15, 12:52
In ABM configure menu put ABM bouquets = top.

Thank you Huevos. So what I did was to first make your change in ABM. I then rebooted but there was no change SO I rescanned ABM which brought all back to normal again for me. I had already deleted epg data but I'm not sure if that would have made any difference or not. It was only so I could reload the epg afresh for my own peace of mind. :thumbsup:

23-06-15, 14:41
You always need to run an ABM scan for changes to take effect. No restart needed.