View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] Audio loss on recorded program when streaming starts via IOS App

22-06-15, 11:01
Could someone point me in the right direction for this issue please..

When using either BlackBox Pro or Vu+ Player HD app (on ipad) to watch live TV remotely (both inside and outside my home network) when I first connect to the vu plus duo2 or when a channel is changed (in the app) it causes a loss of sound on the duo2 of around 5 seconds when a recorded program is being watched. If live TV is being watched on the duo2 then the sound is interrupted for just a split second which is ok.

I have raised this with the Blackbox Pro app support people but they believe it could be image related. I don't know whether this was happening on earlier images or if it could be related to my settings in the app or on the box.

Perhaps someone can try to reproduce the issue if they have the same setup.

Box has 4 dvb-s tuners and the apps set to multi tuner using duo2 transcoding.

22-06-15, 11:43
have you tried without transcoding? Transcoding needs some hardware and I think then something is reconfigured which might cause the loss. I do not have IOS to check.


22-06-15, 12:33
I just tried it with my Duo2 box and I get the same issue using the iPad app but also via streaming using VLC, If you select the transcoded stream you lose sound for about 5 seconds on your TV (If you are watching a recorded programme) and you also lose sound when disconnecting, choosing the non-transcoded stream and you don't lose sound.

22-06-15, 12:42
Thanks for confirming its not just me then. I will try with transcoding off and see what happens. I thought the idea of using transcoding was to get a better more stable stream. I understand this is not a huge issue (try telling my wife that when shes watching her soaps) but it is annoying. Do you think there is any fix or do we just live with it ?

22-06-15, 16:08
I thought the idea of using transcoding was to get a better more stable stream.

Transcoding takes the TV show / movie and on the fly re-encodes it to a lower bit rate, this also lowers both audio and video quality so that when streaming over the Internet it will use less bandwidth as opposed to streaming the whole TS stream. It has nothing to do with getting a better / more stable stream.

23-06-15, 21:57
I tried it using Black Hole and the issue persists, Personally it's not an issue for me as I HAVE to watch what the wife is watching :( but yeah, now I know about it, it seems a pain :whistle:

24-06-15, 12:00
As expected when not using transcoding the issue does not appear. I could turn transcoding off on the box but I guess I may need it if I'm out and about. The Blackbox Pro app also allows you to turn it off from the app but I can't see anywhere to do that on the Vu+ player HD app.

Its a small issue, I appreciate that and probably not one that will be addressed as there is a sort of workaround.

Thanks everyone for confirming and advising.