View Full Version : New VIX EPG question, help please

14-12-10, 21:19
Hi all. I love the VIX epg as the missis can find her way through it like the sly one so she's not constantly moaning! I DO have a question about 'sources' and settings though. (sly uk)

Can someone please tell me what to have enabled to get the best download....there seems to be so many epg options in the different menu's I just don't know what to tick (x)!

Do I need opentv enabled or crossepg? Then there's the Ryvix menu. Surely being able to allow loads of downloads complicates the user and probably the box also.

Thanks for any replies. I can't find a guide on this.

14-12-10, 21:22
EPG is personal choice but I use crossepg with OPENTV on 28.2E. To enable it blue press and than vix settings>crossepg?configure.

16-12-10, 22:08
EPG is personal choice but I use crossepg with OPENTV on 28.2E. To enable it blue press and than vix settings>crossepg?configure.

Thanks - I'll disable everything else then & try just settings in here

17-12-10, 13:42
Hey guys I use OpentTv for astra 28.2 and it generally works!! However, sometimes the info is different in all lists??

i.e. if I change channel the info bar 99% of the time gives the correct now and next, if I use the up and down button to go into the channel selector or the epg sometimes the channel description is wrong and even the program name??? or say if there is 20 mins left it will cover that and the next program and give a different summary???

I have found this mostly on the movie channels?? I hope this makes sense??

17-12-10, 14:15
Yeah, it's very random! The correct info is there somewhere but it's not always in the right place - why?? Either the multiepg is right or the info bar or the single channel epg. I can manage but it gives the missis something to moan about!

17-12-10, 15:27
Just gonna have to be something I live with then :(

I have found though that after the current films etc have finished it tends to right itself!! and is usually always correct in the evenings???

17-12-10, 18:21
they all from different sources, theys EIT now/next, freesat, and opentv, eit update everytime you change channel, freesat every hour i think, opentv what ever you set it to.

28-01-13, 15:19
Will enabling openTv stop my epg not showing programs on Sly tv encrypted channels? for example BBC One, Two, ITV and Channel 4 showas all the TV listings for the week but Channel 5, Sly 1 etc are blank? is there an update that can rectify this as I cant set any timers for programs on these channels as mt TM-2T cant find them when i search.


28-01-13, 15:22
What are you using as your current EPG providers?