View Full Version : [MB Premium Twin HD] Incomplete boot sequence

19-06-15, 01:13
I had an oddity today.

I started the box up. I have a modified Profile.py so that the percentage boot sequence progress gets shown on the front panel (for some reason the mbtwin code is missing here - looks like new hardware doesn't get enabled?). The counter ended up stuck on 87% with the system not fully up (showing a blank screen, I think). The debug log showed this error traceback: 43390, whcih sesm to indicate a problem displaying the spinner?

So I rebooted. This time the box booted up OK, but without any percentage indication on the front panel.

So I rebooted again, and this time it did a full boot up with the percentage booting showing as normal (for me).

There is nothing untoward in either of the last two debug logs. The only difference between then at boot time is that the first reboot resulted in an old debug logs being deleted, but that would be long after the percentages should have appeared on the front panel.

20-09-15, 21:08
I've had the same failure twice today.
On both occasions it was starting up to start a recording, and the recording was quite close to starting (there's a post on the forum somewhere which points out that the FP clock on this box runs a bit fast, so if the box has been off for a while it will start up quite a bit earlier, 20-30 mins, than it needs to).
I have a script in place that checks whether the log contain evidence of actually having completed the reboot process within 3 mins - if not it reboots (with a sanity check for looping on this). On the second occasion it actually had to reboot twice before this succeeded (so I lost part of my pre-padding - but it still started before the scheduled start time).

The one thing that the logs for the "incomplete" boots show at the point of restarting is this:
connectionLost? [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionLost'>: Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion: Connection lost.
]Now, this message could just be the result of the reboot, but it could also indicate that the problem is that something is trying to reach a system over the network, and not allowing enigma2 to continue until it completes - it then gets chopped by the reboot, resulting in this message.
Any ideas, anyone?

20-09-15, 21:25
I get that message when forcing a deep standby, reported here (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?48033-Unable-to-go-into-deep-standby-after-a-recording&p=374725&viewfull=1#post374725).

20-09-15, 22:21
I get that message when forcing a deep standby, reported here (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?48033-Unable-to-go-into-deep-standby-after-a-recording&p=374725&viewfull=1#post374725).Ah, thanks. I meant to check my debug logs for other occurrences, but got distracted in mid-post and then forgot to do so.
So it looks like this is part of the shutdown (and hence "normal") rather than anything to do with the hanging startup.

20-09-15, 22:57
Looks like a check on software update that can't be made while E2 is shutting down.
Can't see any other reason
<class 'twisted.internet.error.ConnectionLost'>: Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion: Connection lost.
On a default install.

21-09-15, 00:51
Looks like a check on software update that can't be made while E2 is shutting downWhy would anything be checking for an update during shutdown? This seems to happen at most/all shutdowns, so it isn't just a timing coincidence.

21-09-15, 01:00
Why would anything be checking for an update during shutdown? This seems to happen at most/all shutdowns, so it isn't just a timing coincidence.
Why would anything be checking an internet connection on a default install?

21-09-15, 01:52
Why would anything be checking an internet connection on a default install?To check for an update according to the configured schedule.
But setting off such a check during shutdown would make no sense.

21-09-15, 09:44
Isn't that what I said above?
Sorry, but I really don't get your cryptic way of posting issues or solutions. :confused:

21-09-15, 09:48
Ah, thanks. I meant to check my debug logs for other occurrences, but got distracted in mid-post and then forgot to do so.
So it looks like this is part of the shutdown (and hence "normal") rather than anything to do with the hanging startup.
It doesn't make sense to me to check for updates during the shutdown sequence.

In my case it's an auto shutdown after a recording (which is misbehaving).

Have you a Hades log to see if it happened then?

21-09-15, 11:32
Isn't that what I said above?Not to me.
You seemed to be saying that a default installation should never be checking (and hence never using) an internet connexion on a default install, whereas I was saying that it shouldn't be doing an update check at the start of shutdown.