View Full Version : [ET5x00] Crossepg

13-06-15, 21:18
Hi All,

I have watched the "How to setup 7 DAY EPG with Crossepg for Astra 28.2 Video Guide" and was wondering why my et5xx0 takes a couple of mins to update/download when the video guide it is done in a matter of seconds. On the old 2.4 vix image it used to download and update the epg in a matter of seconds.

Is it because my et5xx0 just isnt powerfull enough?

Also I have to use a swapfile to get it to download without freezing. This has been like it since before Apollo but not on the 2.4 image, again is it purely down to the lack of ram, memory or processing power in the et5xx0?

I am reluctant to upgrade to Hades if this is going to slow down my box even more.:(
