View Full Version : [TM-NANO-2-SUPER] plugin probs with hedes

13-06-15, 15:06
hi all, installed latest hedes image (full reflash) seems to be working fine but can not install mediaportal (ipk install or from feeds) also kodi will install but will not run properly as can not download
any addons.was all working fine before switching to hedes,should i have started from first version 4? on my technomate nano super{ anyone had same problem?}

john doe
13-06-15, 15:10
some plugins may have messages saying they didn't install, but they do. download and restart box or use telnet.

13-06-15, 15:19
thanks john,just keeps saying "can not satisfy dependencies" when trying to install both ways.

john doe
13-06-15, 15:25
thanks john,just keeps saying "can not satisfy dependencies" when trying to install both ways.

it will, just restart box and should work

13-06-15, 15:34
Tried that a few times, box will not restore back up 166 image so stuck with hedes for now!

john doe
13-06-15, 15:40
Tried that a few times, box will not restore back up 166 image so stuck with hedes for now!

you've lost me??? what you mean restore 166 image. have you flashed to hades and made sure that you don't backup or restore anything?

13-06-15, 15:43
hades needs a FULL Reflash WITHOUT restore.Is mentioned all over the forum.

13-06-15, 16:25
thanks,yes i did a full reflash but did not see the bit about not restoring plugins but mediaportal did not restore anyway? will start again later.Did a full reflash back to 166 and all working fine for now again but will try hedes again so should a go straight to latest build?

abu baniaz
13-06-15, 16:32
If you are asking "When I install Hades, should I install the latest version or should I install the frst one and then update?"

Answer is:
Flash the latest one. It will include all the fixes/changes/improvments in previous updates.

13-06-15, 16:59
thanks abu,will do that tomorrow.

13-06-15, 21:03
hi all, tried again from scratch no settings/plugins restored but mediaportal will still not install says same thing "GST PLUGIN BAD FRAGMENTE" any one else ok with this plugin and tm nano super?
works fine with apollo.

13-06-15, 21:17
TM Nano SE. Hades 12. Mediaportal not installing. Says something about dependencies when trying to install. Rebooted box but Mediaportal not showing. It definitely isn't installing because it's showing up in the feed when I press 'download plugins' button again.

13-06-15, 21:25
thanks rob not just mine then, look like waiting for later build for hedes and mediaportal i had similar probs with early apollo builds.

14-06-15, 22:23
just a little thing but it bugs me for some reason, the image is Hades not Hedes :)

15-06-15, 10:33
Sorry.Iam a very old/dyslexic/shortsighted pensioner! Any ideas on a cure tho? (for the plugin):confused:

30-06-15, 15:33
updated to HEDES 14 still same problem,if a fix is needed will it be in updates change logs when/if needed on new release? i have to reflash to Apollo 166 from scratch to restore.
ANY TM nano super user members got mediaportal installed ok out there?
thanks all.

30-06-15, 15:54
Is this the issue you are getting?