View Full Version : BT sport changes

12-06-15, 08:37
ESPN channel name changed to BTspt/ESPN HD which led to me looking for BT Sport Europe but I could not find it in any of the bouquets. I went to ABM>start scan to see if this would find it. It did not. What it did do, is return the channel name BTspt/ESPN HD back to ESPN I thought it may have returned during the overnight scan but no.

So, how do I scan in BT Sport Europe and change the channel name back to BTspt/ESPN HD ?

12-06-15, 08:48
If you have ABM setup correctly it will scan them in on your next scheduled run or just start scan within ABM. When that completes exit out of everything and press the 'TV' button on the receivers remote and look in the sports bouquet again.

12-06-15, 08:55
I'm using 'RegionCustom' in ABM providers and enabled swap. And this gives me; 413 BT Sport 1 HD, 414 BT Sport Europe HD, 417 BT Sport 2 HD, 426 BT Sport/ESPN HD, 427 BT Sport 1, 433 BT Sport Europe, 457 BT Sport 2 and finally 458 BT Sport/ESPN.

12-06-15, 09:18
Not sure if ABM is set up correctly or not but it does work the way I like it. My numbering is not like yours - for me 1 = bbc1 2 = bbc 2 3 = itv etc
I did a scan in ABM but it did not return BT Sport Europe (and changed BTspt/ESPN back to just ESPN)

john doe
12-06-15, 09:28
try changing place bouquets at to top. I have them there showing, but mine are not in order

12-06-15, 09:32
try changing place bouquets at to top. I have them there showing, but mine are not in order

I have them showing at the bottom as I have custom ones at the top

john doe
12-06-15, 09:41
fair enough. like I said they show on mine but not in order, as before, just seem to all the place.

the only thing I can suggest is a rescan my configure below.

setupmode expert
schedule scan yes
time of scan 03.00
repat daily
keep all non abm yes
add provider prefix no
place bouquets top
the rest is set at yes (last one extensions can be no.

12-06-15, 09:42
Not sure if ABM is set up correctly or not but it does work the way I like it. My numbering is not like yours - for me 1 = bbc1 2 = bbc 2 3 = itv etc
I did a scan in ABM but it did not return BT Sport Europe (and changed BTspt/ESPN back to just ESPN)

In configure change 'Place bouquets at' to TOP.
In your providers I only have section bouquets and swap enabled set to YES and the rest to NO. This is my personal preference. Feel free to give it a go and see if you like it. :thumbsup:

abu baniaz
12-06-15, 10:03
The changes for the "exclude unavailable HD channels" and swaps are not in public ViX image yet. They will be in the next build as well as a turbo boost. The updated xml file was uploaded in a different thread. Use that xml or use the normal SD region.

abu baniaz
12-06-15, 10:24
Please see this thread

12-06-15, 10:37
The fix abu refers to in the above thread worked perfectly for me yesterday.

12-06-15, 10:40
The changes for the "exclude unavailable HD channels" and swaps are not in public ViX image yet. They will be in the next build as well as a turbo boost. The updated xml file was uploaded in a different thread. Use that xml or use the normal SD region.

I'm looking forward to being able to implement those changes when they make it to the public domain abu. Bring them on!!!!

12-06-15, 10:48
Did a service scan and located BT Sport Europe and BTsptEspn but when i went back to my EPG a number of channels were messed up - no channel name and <na> in its place. Reloaded channels from DBE to get it back to where i was originally.

@Abu - from the linked thread am I right in saying that if I do nothing and wait for Hades 013 it will sort itself ?

12-06-15, 10:54
Did a service scan and located BT Sport Europe and BTsptEspn but when i went back to my EPG a number of channels were messed up - no channel name and <na> in its place. Reloaded channels from DBE to get it back to where i was originally.

@Abu - from the linked thread am I right in saying that if I do nothing and wait for Hades 013 it will sort itself ?

Its easy just to drop the file in its place and just rescan ABM. Or just wait for Build 013. Depends how quick you want it. :D

abu baniaz
12-06-15, 10:54
@Abu - from the linked thread am I right in saying that if I do nothing and wait for Hades 013 it will sort itself ?

when i went back to my EPG a number of channels were messed up
EPG is presented in bouquets. When you go into EPG, it opens up the bouquet from which current channel was last selected.

Just set your region to "xxxxx SD" instead of "xxxxx Custom". Disable swap. You will then have all the channels.

The official chanenl numbers have chanegd, you will have to get used to the new numbers if keying them. Same as on Officail receivers.

12-06-15, 11:18

EPG is presented in bouquets. When you go into EPG, it opens up the bouquet from which current channel was last selected.

Just set your region to "xxxxx SD" instead of "xxxxx Custom". Disable swap. You will then have all the channels.

The official chanenl numbers have chanegd, you will have to get used to the new numbers if keying them. Same as on Officail receivers.

It's the channel numbering that I am concerned about. I do not use 101 or 301 as Sky do - I don't see the point. My numbering is 1 for bbc1 not 101 - 2 for bbc2 - 3 for ITV etc why key three digits when i can key just one - or am i missing something (as usual)

abu baniaz
12-06-15, 11:25
ABM makes the bouquets as per the offical list.

You are not missing the point. Maybe not explaining something. How did you make your bouquets?

12-06-15, 11:40
I made them with Dream Box Edit - Created a Bouquet called Standard Channels (plus a couple more Sports1 & Movies1) and dragged and dropped the channels in the order I wanted them.43229

abu baniaz
12-06-15, 11:50
If you are making your own boquets, you can run ABM and not create any bouquets. Your channel data (lamedb) will be updated and you can manually move channels into your own bouquets. This will take less tahn a minute as opposed to doing a normal E2 scan which takes sevearl minutes.

The Bouquet editor in openwebif is very good and easier to use.

You could also use the custom mix/favourites aspects of ABM if you want too.

abu baniaz
12-06-15, 12:00
You can also enable alternate numbering in image which will make every bouquet start at 1.

12-06-15, 12:31
So, if i drag and drop the file you linked to into here /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/providers - the new BT channels will 'appear' but I will have to rebuild my boquets ?

john doe
12-06-15, 12:34
read post 19 that abu baniaz suggested

12-06-15, 12:45
So, if i drag and drop the file you linked to into here /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/SystemPlugins/AutoBouquetsMaker/providers - the new BT channels will 'appear' but I will have to rebuild my boquets ?

As you don't use ABM to create your bouquets pointless dropping that file in. You are best doing what Abu says in post #19. Run ABM without creating any bouquets in just moving channels about where you want to put them amongst your "Faves"

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

abu baniaz
12-06-15, 12:45
ABM does not alter non-ABM bouquets.

12-06-15, 14:19
Thanks chaps - from the respnses and playing about a bit a 'few pennies have dropped'
But ......... I still don't have BT Sport Europe.

Also I enabled alternate numbering and All Channels boquet created by ABM is now SKY order ie 101 etc. How do I stop the channels with nothing in from showing up <n/a> I have set it to skip services in various menus and it 'jumps' them when in GUIDE but they still show.

12-06-15, 19:19
How do you stop <n/a> from showing in the epg

12-06-15, 19:51
what´s up with the screen shot? I do not see n/a here.

Normally n/a in EPG is shown when a service is in the favorites/bouquets but was not found/included in channel scan (lamedb).


john doe
12-06-15, 20:06
delete the epg and rescan in setting epg load/save/ delete

abu baniaz
12-06-15, 20:19
Issue has nothing to do with EPG. It is related to his bouquets.

I am closing this thread. We can continue in his other thread.

abu baniaz
12-06-15, 23:25
I have merged the threads. Just to clariofy, it i snot EPG related or ABM related. It is your own made bouquets that are the issue. You have removed chanenls that are listed in the bouquet files, hence the N/A

If you want ABM to make customised bouquets for you, you can have a read of this thread. http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?45828-CustomLCN-CustomMix-Favourites-List-Simple-favourites-list

13-06-15, 23:07
I've noticed that Premier Sports is missing since I applied the BT changes fix. It's not on the epg nor can I get it if I type in the channel number.