View Full Version : [VU+ Duo] help with vix hades v12

10-06-15, 19:05
HI all
I just recently reflashed from vix 3.0 to hades v12

couple of differences I noticed which I need help /advise on

1) in recording setting, it no longer asked for allocated HDD space to assign for recordings... does this now allocate 100% free HDD space?
2) can I change the spash screen on startup via the menus?
3) the HDMI CEC has stopped working on my TV so when I turn off the vu+duo the TV still remains on.
4) if I pres ch +/- then ok. it brings up the 2nd info bar (giving tv programme synopsys however it also tells me the freq of the channel im watching can I remove this? - I did find the option to
remove the sealion info being displayed)


10-06-15, 21:06
Look in this forum section here

General Linux Satellite
Linux Receiver Bootlogo's
New boot screen ideas

Download one and unzip
Copy to etc/enigma2 folder and reboot
Must admit do not like the hades logo

10-06-15, 21:11
thanks for that..
just installed hades v12 on my vu duo2 also... and again.. the hdmi cec is not working... was ok on vix 3.0

10-06-15, 21:23
Also use the duo2
Do not use CEC
Best of luck sure someone will help you out.

10-06-15, 21:38
Stephen do you mean you don't use it or that you couldn't get it to work either?

abu baniaz
11-06-15, 13:03
1) in recording setting, it no longer asked for allocated HDD space to assign for recordings... does this now allocate 100% free HDD space?
Yes, all free space. Never noticed/known for it to be different. What else are you planning to use the HDD in receiver for?

2) can I change the spash screen on startup via the menus?
You can also install from the plugin menu. There is a section for bootlogos. There is a section on forum for bootlogos. Follow previous advice on how to transfer.


3) the HDMI CEC has stopped working on my TV so when I turn off the vu+duo the TV still remains on.
This may be driver related. Double check with another image uisng the same drivers and kernel. Try OpenPLI

4) if I pres ch +/- then ok. it brings up the 2nd info bar (giving tv programme synopsys however it also tells me the freq of the channel im watching can I remove this? - I did find the option to
remove the sealion info being displayed)This is skin dependent. I don't think you can change it from GUI.

11-06-15, 14:23
Stephen do you mean you don't use it or that you couldn't get it to work either?

No I do not use it, I use a harmony ultimate remote for everything.