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View Full Version : Autobouquets - not having much fun with latest version

03-06-15, 18:24
Hi folks

I've today installed the latest Hades 011 image onto my GiGaBlue HD800SE box and done a fresh scan of the 28.2E satellite. After successful scan I have installed the AutoBouquets E2 plugin via the box itself and then run the plugin, as I normally do. I leave everything default apart from updating the location to London and then execute, I choose yes to NIT search. The bouquets appear to download successfully as expected.
After it completes I do what I normally do and press up to go into channel list but now I find that the channels are different from the usual arrangement and all have duplicate number, for example BBC 1 is called 101 101 BBC ONE. I'm not choosing any options different to what I normally do so I can't understand why this is happening.

I then went and downloaded the latest version of AutoBouquets E2 plugin dated 31st March and installed that manually and re-ran it. Same thing.
this issue of duplicate channel numbers is definitely new, it wasn't like this in the previous image I was running (010 Hades).

I am doing something completely wrong, my knowledge and experience of using Autobouquets plugin isn't great. Is there a user manual for this plugin that anyone can point me to?


abu baniaz
03-06-15, 19:50
The latest version is 31/05/2015

The duplicate number issue is not new, it has always been there. You can disable the "print channel numbers/show channel number" feature in the plugin's options.

There is no need to scan then run AB 28.2

There is a readme file in the plugin's directory

03-06-15, 20:10
Hi abu baniaz. I'll check out the readme file, presumably bhy FTP'ing into the device and looking for the plugin's folder is that correct?
And with regards to scanning, are you saying that if I'm setting up a box the box from fresh image, I can skip the step to do an automatic scan and instead let AB 28.2 plugin do the scan?

abu baniaz
03-06-15, 20:21
Yes, no need to do a normal scan. Technically AB 28.2 (and ABM) do not scan, they acquire the data.

03-06-15, 22:37
Yes, no need to do a normal scan. Technically AB 28.2 (and ABM) do not scan, they acquire the data.

Hi again abu baniaz. Really not having a good day. Firstly I cannot locate the plugins folder when I FTP into the box.
Secondly I have set up the box from scratch with 011 image, and chosen NOT to do a scan at start-up. Then I have installed the latest version of AB 28.2 (31st May) and run it. This results in bouquets appearing in Favourites, but when I try to select a channel such as BBC ONE HD it is greyed out, selecting on it I get the error message: Service unavailable! Check tuner configuration!

I have checked the tuner configuration in the setup and it looks ok, TunerA DVB-S2; Single; Sats: 28.2E Eutelsat....

Any idea what on earth I'm doing wrong?

abu baniaz
03-06-15, 22:50
The plugin folder is /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/AutoBouquets
However, I attach the readme file here for you.

Not sure why you are getting the tuner issue. Can you upload the file called "settings" It is located in /etc/enigma2/

03-06-15, 23:03
Thanks for providing the folder location for plugins, will remember that from now on.
Attached is my settings file from /etc/enigma2/ folder, I have renamed it to settings.txt in order for the system to allow me to upload it.


abu baniaz
03-06-15, 23:12
When you setup your receiver, did you select "automatic" when choosing your satellite? If you did, this has caused your receiver to be in automatic diseqc mode.

Try restarting your receiver.

03-06-15, 23:17
Yes I did choose automatic when choosing the satellite, I though this is what I am supposed to do (in fact this is what I have always done in the past).
I have restarted but the issue persists. How can I now resolve this?

I know it's late - thanks for you continued help.

abu baniaz
03-06-15, 23:31
Try using inbuilt ABM.

03-06-15, 23:35
Solved this by doing factory reset and then started again. I guess there was just a glitch the last time around.

One last question abu, if I run AB 28.2 a couple of times and make the wrong selections in the settings, I'll get bouquets in a format I won't want.
How can I delete ALL bouquets in one swipe so that I can basically undo the mistakes and then run AB 28.2 again with the correct settings?

Problem is if I run AB 28.2 without first deleting the unwanted bouquets, they'll still be there when I run it again.

abu baniaz
03-06-15, 23:55
This telnet command will remove your bouquets without removing channels. (A guide to telnet commands in signature)

init 4 && rm -rf /etc/enigma2/*.tv && rm -rf /etc/enigma2/*.radio && rm -rf /etc/enigma2/*.del && init 3

This will also remove channels

init 4 && sleep 5 && rm -rf /etc/enigma2/lamedb && rm -rf /etc/enigma2/*.tv && rm -rf /etc/enigma2/*.radio && rm -rf /etc/enigma2/*.del && init 3

04-06-15, 00:01
Thanks very much sir.
I haven't used telnet before but if it's anything like using Putty then I'm sure I'll be fine.

Thank you very much for your kind, patient help.

04-06-15, 00:08
I haven't used telnet before but if it's anything like using Putty then I'm sure I'll be fine.
Commands will be the same, just a different method of logging onto the box.

04-06-15, 14:32
Is there any reason why you are using AB 28.2 and not ABM?

16-06-15, 18:31
Is there any reason why you are using AB 28.2 and not ABM?

Hi Huevos. Just seen this post now.
the reason is that I kinda like the way AB 28.2 places the swaps the HD channels for their SD counterparts.
For example, 101 becomes BBC1 HD - this is an excellent feature if you ask me. And as far as I'm aware, ABM won't do this?

abu baniaz
16-06-15, 18:56
ABM does the swap too.

16-06-15, 19:07
Does it do this by default or do you have to change some settings in the Expert mode?
I have just checked the Vix user manual but it doesn't say how to do this, so your continued help is appreciated.

abu baniaz
16-06-15, 19:15
Change ABM to expert mode.
When you go into your provider list, there you will then see the option to swap channels.

16-06-15, 19:41
ahaaaaaa yes now once you go to the second screen you can choose the provider and then the familiar options come up.
Thank you ONCE AGAIN

I do see one benefit of using AB 28.2 over ABM though.... when a major change to the channel line-up happens, with AB 28.2 you can simply install the latest version of the plugin.
But with ABM you need to install the new image version, right?