View Full Version : duo problem

01-06-15, 18:40
Bought a genuine box have had a duo previously actually had 2 of them using a triple tuner ultimo at the moment with Apollo image and just bought a nano super from wos.
Anyway this troublesome duo
I have flashed image after image on it.
An ancient blackhole image
open pli to double check if its a clone.

Every single image gives me the welcome screen loading and either a spinning vix spinning cog on openpli blackhole is the same it just wont let me boot into the box.
It flashes without problem just cant access the box I can even dial in via filezilla and see al the files on the box its just unresponsive.
Any ideas would be great


john doe
01-06-15, 18:45
what does is say on the front panel?

01-06-15, 18:47
vu+duo hd sign above it

john doe
01-06-15, 18:49
vu+duo hd sign above it

no - when you start it what is it saying on the visual display, for example, does it just say starting

abu baniaz
01-06-15, 18:51
How long have you had the Duo? If a long time, did you update the bottloader?

01-06-15, 18:55
yeah it says starting with the arrow before it then welcome screen of my image then loading on the screen,visual display then says vu+duo, sometimes its a bit unresponsive and I have to give it a min or two to start up and just gives me the red light I never had that before on my other duo`s I was thinking that maybe the red light of death is upon the box.
But it should still boot into the image I should imagine

01-06-15, 18:56
How long have you had the Duo? If a long time, did you update the bottloader?

had the duo a few hours
do I update the bootloader first then flash an image or what never updated a bootloader before

abu baniaz
01-06-15, 19:00
If it is a band new DUO, it will have the latest bootloader.

Sorry, to be direct, but your thread is confusing. You have mentioned several receivers. I'm not sure which receiver you are referring to now.

01-06-15, 19:02
If it is a band new DUO, it will have the latest bootloader.

Sorry, to be direct, but your thread is confusing. You have mentioned several receivers. I'm not sure which receiver you are referring to now.

its an old duo sorry for not being clear its second hand.
I was just mentioning the fact that ive never had this problem before.
So updating the bootloader do I just flash it on the box like an image?
Then flash an image?

john doe
01-06-15, 19:03
yeah it says starting with the arrow before it then welcome screen of my image then loading on the screen,visual display then says vu+duo, sometimes its a bit unresponsive and I have to give it a min or two to start up and just gives me the red light I never had that before on my other duo`s I was thinking that maybe the red light of death is upon the box.
But it should still boot into the image I should imagine

if you bought from sponser boatloader should already be on and the image. if not bought from sponsor then you need to flash boatloader and then image

john doe
01-06-15, 19:04
its an old duo sorry for not being clear its second hand.
I was just mentioning the fact that ive never had this problem before.
So updating the bootloader do I just flash it on the box like an image?
Then flash an image?

yes you do. make sure that you don't switch box off until the boatloader restarts and then you flash image

abu baniaz
01-06-15, 19:05
its an old duo sorry for not being clear its second hand.
I was just mentioning the fact that ive never had this problem before.
So updating the bootloader do I just flash it on the box like an image?
Then flash an image?
Yes .

01-06-15, 19:29
updated the bootloader tried a few different images still the same spinning logos
if the box was a clone would I get that far into the image ?never had a clone so wouldn't know.

Any other ideas because im stumped as I say I can access the box via filezilla but just wont get past any boot screen

john doe
01-06-15, 19:32
updated the bootloader tried a few different images still the same spinning logos
if the box was a clone would I get that far into the image ?never had a clone so wouldn't know.

Any other ideas because im stumped as I say I can access the box via filezilla but just wont get past any boot screen

if genuine it should work fine. if clone you would not get past the starting... which is shown on the visual display.

01-06-15, 19:34
if genuine it should work fine. if clone you would not get past the starting... which is shown on the visual display.

so its genuine then as I get past the starting point on the vd it works it boots so it must be something im missing.
Havent got a hard drive installed in it do I need some form of storage attached?

john doe
01-06-15, 19:38
no storage device needed. are you using the right boatloader - http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php?dir=%2A%2A%2ABootloaders%2A%2A%2A/VU%2B_Bootloaders/Vu%2BDuo/

once this is done you then need to flash hades 011.

abu baniaz
01-06-15, 19:39
Do you have a HDD connected? If so try disconnecting it.

If taht fails, telnet the following command. Save the whole log and upload as an attachment. May show what is happening.

init 4 && enigma2

01-06-15, 19:40
no storage device needed. are you using the right boatloader - http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php?dir=%2A%2A%2ABootloaders%2A%2A%2A/VU%2B_Bootloaders/Vu%2BDuo/

once this is done you then need to flash hades 011.
flashed the bootloader first the same one you linked to it was quick to install as well rapid actually 2 second job
then flashed with hades 11
did it all again uploaded the bootloader and flashed an Apollo image same thing.
Also used a clone image that hasn't worked either

john doe
01-06-15, 19:42
flashed the bootloader first the same one you linked to it was quick to install as well rapid actually 2 second job
then flashed with hades 11
did it all again uploaded the bootloader and flashed an Apollo image same thing.
Also used a clone image that hasn't worked either

check abu's suggestion

01-06-15, 19:44
Do you have a HDD connected? If so try disconnecting it.

If taht fails, telnet the following command. Save the whole log and upload as an attachment. May show what is happening.

init 4 && enigma2
no storage connected
can you step by step me on how to get into the box via telnet been a while since ive done it

abu baniaz
01-06-15, 19:45

john doe
01-06-15, 19:51
no storage connected
can you step by step me on how to get into the box via telnet been a while since ive done it

download vu+ control centre, enter ip address username password and connect, go to telnet and copy the above in abu's post and paste it in telnet

01-06-15, 20:08
Attached with thanks

02-06-15, 11:00
Any ideas from the log file

06-06-15, 07:18
Anyone make any sense of the log file

john doe
06-06-15, 11:06
you never told anyonw if you have a HDD attached and if so, have you disconnected this as Abu suggested. cant help on the logs, these never make sense to me, although there is a couple error issues

06-06-15, 11:49
you never told anyonw if you have a HDD attached and if so, have you disconnected this as Abu suggested. cant help on the logs, these never make sense to me, although there is a couple error issues
Sorry I didn't reply just that there was nothing connected to it.
I've tried every image under the sun and different flash drives.

john doe
06-06-15, 13:00
it should be straight forward to load image and boatloader. with that said the duo is know become an old box and seems people are having more and more issues. it does sound like a clone from where I am. my first box was duo and turned out to be a dud. hopefully someone can get back to about the log. good luck

john doe
06-06-15, 13:15
it should be straight forward to load image and boatloader. with that said the duo is know become an old box and seems people are having more and more issues. it does sound like a clone from where I am. my first box was duo and turned out to be a dud. hopefully someone can get back to about the log. good luck

07-06-15, 20:13
I thought it was a clone was my first thought but I'm 100% sure it's a genuine box .
But just will not load an image I'm stumped really am.
Wonder if a hardware problem would cause a problem.
What about a reflash to stock vu factory settings is that possible

07-06-15, 21:57
i just looked at the file and to me does not look like flashing has worked,have you got a good usb fat32 format,kingston,cruzer,integral and use the bootloader first,then your image,vu are fussy and have to use a good usb.

07-06-15, 22:11
Many thanks for taking the time to look at the log file much appreciated.

The image actually seems to have flashed some of it to the box as it comes up.
Just won't boot that final last yard.
I've used the same USB in 3 duos an ultimo and today a solo2.
I'll have a look
I'll have a look around and give it a whirl.

07-06-15, 22:30
i would be starting with a format usb and get a fresh bootloader and image download from site incase one was faulty,i use the front usb slot and when box reboots i then power off to remove usb then format and use extracted file onto usb,you could leave inserted to see if box gets up and running and when setup power down and remove usb.
what image are you using?

07-06-15, 23:07
i would be starting with a format usb and get a fresh bootloader and image download from site incase one was faulty,i use the front usb slot and when box reboots i then power off to remove usb then format and use extracted file onto usb,you could leave inserted to see if box gets up and running and when setup power down and remove usb.
what image are you using?
I've tried loads of images vix Apollo vix haedes.
Tried a 3 year old blackhole image as well tried clone images.
Nothing they all flash the images boot up then it says starting and it just doesn't get past that part on every single image.

07-06-15, 23:19
so the box has starting on the front and the red light,that happened me and needed the red light fix,cap issue inside box gone.

07-06-15, 23:39
so the box has starting on the front and the red light,that happened me and needed the red light fix,cap issue inside box gone.
So I have to change that always failing capacitor then that gives the red light of death.

08-06-15, 01:18
was it ever changed?one thing i notice when box is flashed fan is set to off:mad:switch on for a cooler box.

08-06-15, 02:08
vu are fussy and have to use a good usb.
Never had an issue with any random USB stick on any VU box (or any other manufacturers) as long as USB is formatted properly & image is copied to USB properly.
Easier & faster to use image manager to download & flash these days though.

john doe
08-06-15, 08:26
it sound to me like the box is a clone. my fist box was a duo bought from ebay, as I was new to these receivers, it did have image vix image pre-installed. as time went on I came to learnt about updates etc etc. so when I thought I was ready to update. I did plenty of research and decided to flash with new vix image and everything from there was hellish. tried boatloader, and then image a million times and nothing happened. this went on for days trying to sort it. a red light showed and stuck on starting.... I decided to ditch the box and buy a solo2 from WOS.