View Full Version : [GiGaBlue QUAD+ PLUS] Intermitent Unresponsiveness

26-05-15, 21:38
I have been having issues with my box for a couple of weeks i have tried cache flush and de fragmenting the cross epg.

When i use the remote control it becomes unresponsive and sluggish, I know its not the remote as i have 2 and they are both the same. When i use the controls on the front of the box it works ok. Every couple of days i also need to go into the auto timer settings and press save to make it check for new recordings.

I used to use the apollo 166 build and i have changed to The Hades 010 build but nothing has changed. it works ok for a while then it starts acting like as an old pc and responds when it wants to.

I restored some of the settings because i wasn't sure how to restore the the softcam (or if i would have to).

Any help on how to get it to respond properly again would be great.

26-05-15, 22:29
You really should do a Fresh Clean Install of Hades with no backups if you are upgrading from Apollo, as you have found out the receiver might seem to be working fine but somewhere down the line in the future you will get problems

27-05-15, 07:28
i will give it a go.
