View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] Vix spinner issue

26-05-15, 15:15

I have the latest version of hades and i keep getting the vix spinner at random times for a long time and cant do anything with the box till it goes away.

I have tried a clean install without restoring any setting and it still happens.

I never had this issue with any other builds


26-05-15, 15:19
i just looked into my crystal ball, but it was out of ideas until a debug/crashlog was uploaded :)

26-05-15, 15:22
LOL sorry m8.

can you please let me know how to do that

26-05-15, 15:28
hehe, debug logs are located in /home/root/logs

abu baniaz
26-05-15, 15:38
Probably someone connecting to his receiver over the internet.

26-05-15, 15:39
cheers m8,

I have sent the debug log 1432651098.74

26-05-15, 15:42
abu baniaz i got an odd call today from a company regarding my sky tv package. i told him i dont have it and he said ok. hopefully that was just a random call

abu baniaz
26-05-15, 15:46
Your receiver is open to the world. Anyone can connect to it. Are you watching the Tennis?

26-05-15, 15:50
LOL i was but now watching a recording

can i enable anything to stop it from being open to anyone

abu baniaz
26-05-15, 15:59
Stop forwarding ports on your router to it.

26-05-15, 16:12
thanks m8, i have stopped forwarding the ports now ( i think ) :O)

26-05-15, 16:44
Stop forwarding ports on your router to it.

eeeeek this thread has just worried me - how do I check to see if I am forwarding ports ?

26-05-15, 16:52
you probably arent if you dont know what they are.

but they are open ports from the internet to your box.

26-05-15, 17:28
Ha ha for once my my ignorance is a plus.

27-05-15, 07:14
just out of couriosity, how did you know my box was on the tennis

can you see if what i have done to the ports has stopped you seeing it now


27-05-15, 07:46
you can use something like:


to check if the ports are open to the internet

27-05-15, 16:44
Rather confused now. It says it cant see my ports when they are open and closed :O)

you can use something like:


to check if the ports are open to the internet

abu baniaz
27-05-15, 16:49
Just to confirm, your receiver is no longer open to joe public as it was before. Not sure if there are any other vulnerabilites.

Have the spinners stopped?

27-05-15, 16:53
Brilliant!!! thank you for letting me know. The spinners are still happening. The spinner was on there when i put the tv on

Just to confirm, your receiver is no longer open to joe public as it was before. Not sure if there are any other vulnerabilites.

Have the spinners stopped?

abu baniaz
27-05-15, 16:56
Enable debug logs in the logs menu. Restart the receiver so this takes effect.

After you next get the spinner issue, attach the debug log. it will be found in /home/root/logs/

27-05-15, 17:02
cheers, will i just copy onto here?

Enable debug logs in the logs menu. Restart the receiver so this takes effect.

After you next get the spinner issue, attach the debug log. it will be found in /home/root/logs/

27-05-15, 17:13
here is my log m8



abu baniaz
27-05-15, 17:56
You have a shed load of these in your debug log. I dont wknow what it is, hopefully someone will do.

< 67.701476> [eMPEGStreamParserTS] broken startcode