View Full Version : [GiGaBlue QUAD+ PLUS] Autotimer refuses to work

26-05-15, 13:00

I have been trying to set up an Autotimer for 'Britain's Got Talent' and despite trying a bunch of different Autotimer settings, it just plain refuses to set timers for the event. My default is set to case-insenitive, encoding= UTF-8, partial-match and Unique = On any service (title and description). Playing with different values for those doesn't seem to make any difference and no timers created.

I think that other Autotimers have also been acting up, where some but not all timers have been created.

This issue has only been apparent with Hades versions as I didn't notice missing timers when using Apollo versions.

I also notice that if I try to set an Autotimer via the 'record' button rather than the Blue button, it creates an Autotimer with the 'day' parameter set to current day rather than anyday (I *think* that is also different from earlier versions), but not relevent to my above point as I was using the Blue button to enable making changes to the Autotimer settings to try and get timers created.

NOTE: there are no conflict issues causing this as I have 4 tuners each with own feed and no conflicts shown on Autotimer scan summary.

26-05-15, 18:52
The Blue Button also defaults to recording only that one day of the week, and around the same time.

Have you checked the filters and services to see whether they are stopping things (yellow and blue once you are looking at the auto-timer config itself)?

26-05-15, 19:07

Yes, I have tried setting/unsetting the filters, channels and Bouquets, but none provided the timers from the autotimer.

This Britain's Got Talent seems just to be unrecognised somehow. I have other autotimers created in the exact same way which do work as expected - strange!

26-05-15, 20:54
I can relate to most of your pain and had some real issues setting AT's last week. Mainly on ITV Channels so including BGT as well as Emmerdale and Coronation Street.

All I did to address the issues and successfully set the AT's was to go with partial match and match an Coronation, Emm and Britain and this worked fine...but you've tried all this and with no success.

27-05-15, 20:02

I have been trying to set up an Autotimer for 'Britain's Got Talent' and despite trying a bunch of different Autotimer settings, it just plain refuses to set timers for the event. My default is set to case-insenitive, encoding= UTF-8, partial-match and Unique = On any service (title and description). Playing with different values for those doesn't seem to make any difference and no timers created.

Snap - when trying to set up the same on Sunday it was finding all occurrences but only setting one timer for one program.

I checked in the EPG that the descriptions were all different.

The only way i found that i could get all occurrences to be recorded was to set the option "Require descriptions to be unique" = NO

I believe that this option is behaving differently to the way it used to work and is currently the wrong way around.


Having now watched a couple of Britains Got Talent Live shows I'm glad I recorded them and could fast forward through them - what a load of rubbish!

27-05-15, 20:37
Snap - when trying to set up the same on Sunday it was finding all occurrences but only setting one timer for one program.

I checked in the EPG that the descriptions were all different.

The only way i found that i could get all occurrences to be recorded was to set the option "Require descriptions to be unique" = NO

I believe that this option is behaving differently to the way it used to work and is currently the wrong way around.


Having now watched a couple of Britains Got Talent Live shows I'm glad I recorded them and could fast forward through them - what a load of rubbish!

Yes, I did try that but ended up with about 20 timers that I assume were every occurance of the show on multiple channels (I have 3 days for timer creation set). Anyway, I had to delete that Autotimer and timers set by it. In the end I just set them up manually.

27-05-15, 20:53
Yes, I did try that but ended up with about 20 timers that I assume were every occurance of the show on multiple channels (I have 3 days for timer creation set). Anyway, I had to delete that Autotimer and timers set by it. In the end I just set them up manually.

I just restricted the search to one channel. I believe the repeats are all on other ITV channels.

28-05-15, 11:13
I have been having some auto timer issues, sometimes it works sometimes not

28-05-15, 11:33
I have auto timers set for corrie emmerdale and britains got talent to record from ITV HD no probs with latest hades, britains got talent records both the live show and the result from one timer, I have it set as starts with britains got talent... TBH if you are setting timers from the epg I don't see why they messing up.

28-05-15, 15:15

I do create all the autotimers from the EPG.

Yet another strange Autotimer glitch. I have had an Autotimer set up for Daily Politics, freshly re-created when I updated to the first Hades release. This Autotimer has faithfully created timers since then up until today, where it refuses to create a timer for tomorrows (Friday) Daily Politics. This hit or miss type behavious is very annoying.

I also fail to understand the point of new autotimers (record button) having the filter set to current day. This assumes a weekly autotimer is the 'best' default action. It would appear that very few programmes these days are weekly series, rather, several episodes are commonly aired on a daily basis. Would it not make more sense to have the default settings for new autotimers, filter, have an option for daily/weekly/anytime which could be observed when using blue button to create a new autotimer?

guff daddy
28-05-15, 20:02
I have occasionally had autotimer issues - quite often these are resolved by deleting the EPG data (delete the epg.dat and also delete the whole CrossEPG folder), then rescanning all channels and repopulate the EPG data again. Seems to work.

28-05-15, 20:12
I do not use the CrossEPG. In fact, I do not have any addons/plugins/extensions other than the 'factory' ones. I have one set of 'last scan' channels, and one buoquet of 40 channels (some are duplicates due to area differences ie BBC One Scotland and BBC One).

Further to the remarks in my last post regarding the Autotimer for Daily Politics: I deleted the AT and recreated it with *exactly* the same settings etc - and it worked! I have no idea why the one which was already working normally failed on this occasion - beats me.