View Full Version : Picons: How to choose location when installing from plugins menu?

24-05-15, 10:05
I've just updated from Apollo to Hades and I rummaged through every menu I can possibly access but I can't seem to find the one particular menu that allows the picon location configuration. Where did it go?

24-05-15, 10:07
Do you mean enable picons in your channel lists?

24-05-15, 18:06
No, I mean the actual picon folder location. I did install a picon set from the plugins menu but it gives me two options for storing the actual picon images - the internal flash or the HDD. I don't want to store the picon image files on either, ideally I'd like to put them on USB. In Apollo there was a menu that allowed you to symlink the HDD location to the USB location but I can't find any corresponding config in Hades, unless I'm missing something? I just want the picon files to be read from USB.

abu baniaz
24-05-15, 18:34
When installing picons from plugin menu, you are ony allowed to install them to storage devices that are in the linux file system. This is because some picon packs have symlinks. Symlinks do not work on non-linux file systems.

If you format the USB stick using teh receiver, it will be in linux file system.

abu baniaz
24-05-15, 19:10
I have cahnged the title of the thread. "ABM Hade - Where is the config menu for the picon location?" does not reflect what you wanted to ask.