View Full Version : FTP Problems

13-12-10, 12:29
Hi all,

Just when I thought I was getting on top of this Linux satellite stuff some other problem crops up (although not quite as big as the problem at my football club - City - what is going on with Tevez ?)

Anyhow back on topic (but maybe in the wrong place - sorry), does anyone know what I can have done to mess up Filezilla. It was working fine, and I was very impressed with how easy it was to use but now it keeps coming up with an error message and won't connect. ECONNREFUSED or something like. Filezilla and I connect connect to either my VU Duo or Dreambox clone. DCC doesn't work either, although I can connect using telnet from windows cmd line. The passwords are as default (ie blank for the vuduo and dreambox for the clone) but no joy with filezilla or DCC for either. Oh, and the same with dreambox edit too. :confused:

I think something is amiss in the network but FTP works fine and vuduo client is also working in internet explorer so there cannot be much wrong.

If someone can point me in the right direction to put things right I'd be grateful. Thanks. :D

13-12-10, 12:56
Hi Jim,

sorry if i'm stating the obvious, but have you been trying to connect to the IP address with filezilla which has changed after restarting your router?

I usually get in using windows explorer, and then searching through the workgroup - haven't had any problems yet...


PS I'm a gooner so hopefully we can do you guys a favour tonight :)

13-12-10, 13:04
I've disabled DHCP and have fixed addresses on all my LAN. I have tried explorer today (never tried this way before) and it says "A connection with the server could not be established." ??? Telnet connects fine, no problems at all.

Hope you beat Utd tonight. I cannot see us winning the title this year so I hope Arsenal do if it isn't us. Anyone really but Utd.

13-12-10, 13:09
I would double check all network address's.

13-12-10, 13:45
Instead of putting an ip address in type in BM750, as in ftp://bm750

You can try this in any Windows explorer window, for instance in my documents type ftp://bm750 into the Address bar.

I don't understand why normal users use complicated FTP programs such as filezilla when they very rarely transfer more than one or two files at a time and windows explorer does the job with no fuss.

13-12-10, 13:46
Try turning your firewall off maybe a permissions issue X( oh and come on utd tonight lol

13-12-10, 14:17
Try turning your firewall off maybe a permissions issue X( oh and come on utd tonight lol

Thanks a lot - turning of the firewall cured it. Explorer works (I didn't know before searching this forum that you could use explorer for ftp'ing) and filezilla is now working again.

Heh, and even if you are a red :p - then thanks for the suggestion anyway !

13-12-10, 14:44
oh and come on utd tonight lol


lets hope for a good game though.

Glad you got the connection working again Jim

14-12-10, 01:18
Having now established that the firewall is blocking access re-enable it and set the exceptions to allow the programs you need access through it