View Full Version : [MB Premium Twin HD] Backup file configuration bug

21-05-15, 22:50
As I've noted elsewhere (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?45173-Timezone-setting-keeps-being-set-to-a-%28slighly%29-incorrect-value), the timezone settings on OpenVIX are wrong for a Linux system. They give the correct time (well, mostly - it is wrong for some countries) but the wrong timezone abbreviation.

So I edit the timezone.xml file to say that I am on London time (UK) not Dublin time (Eire). In order to get this to stick across updates I need to have it backed up, so I've added it to the list of files to backup.
Except there are two copies of it (/etc/tuxbox/timezone.xml and /usr/share/enigma2/timezone.xml) with /etc/timezone.xml being a symlink to the former. But I'm sure that it was a symlink to the latter in early Hades releases - so I've added both to the backup list.

However, whereas both do end up with green ticks next to them in the "Choose files" menu for selecting backup files only the share/enigma2 copy ends up in backups, and only that ends up in the config.backupmanager.backupdirs value in settings. Attemnpts to add/remove the tuxbox version all worked as far as the green ticks went, but had no effect on the config.backupmanager.backupdirs value in settings (even though the settings file was updated each time).

I could get the tuxbox setting added (and the file backed up) by first removing the share/enigma2 entry.

So I'm wondering whether there is some limit to the length of a value setting in the settings file? From the values I have 512 characters would do it.

Another thing I noticed while checking the green ticks. At one point I rebooted the box. This caused the configured backup location to switch from /media/usb to /media/hdd (the default) (I've seen this happen a few times before).
So for this I'm also wondering whether an overflow from the backup list setting causes the location to get messed up, and so it reverts to the defualt setting?