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View Full Version : Can i make a pixmap png flash on and off (blink) like the record icon does

20-05-15, 20:23
Hi Guys

Would it be currently possible to make a pixmap image flash on and off (blink) like the record icon does during recording, what I would like to happen is the widget name="statusicon" and the associated png images to flash on and off.
Maybe this could be implemented with the 'render' attribute, unless i could change some py code to test.

<widget name="statusicon" position="75,0" size="50,50" pixmaps="icons/play_large.png,icons/pause_large.png,icons/stop_large.png,icons/forward_large.png,icons/backward_large.png,icons/slow_large.png" zPosition="5" alphatest="on"/>