View Full Version : Transfer a Movie

12-12-10, 23:11
Can I transfer a movie via ftp to my Vu+ Duo and use the box as a DVD player?

If so, where do I ftp the file(movie)?


12-12-10, 23:13
you can play vobs ts and mkv's on your box just transfer them to hdd folder movie


12-12-10, 23:34
I also play iso files from my network 1Tb drive - works well

13-12-10, 02:47
you can play vobs ts and mkv's on your box just transfer them to hdd folder movie


Will Xvid files work with the Vu+ Duo?

13-12-10, 03:16
no xvix and divx dont at the moment but irishchris has found and posted a way using the vlc plugin


13-12-10, 08:58
will also play mp4's

13-12-10, 10:08
no xvix and divx dont at the moment but irishchris has found and posted a way using the vlc plugin


My VU+ Duo is playing every Xvid and Divx I've thrown at it - only it doesn't render some files especially good.

13-12-10, 10:26
MalteseMick? Is it...From the HDD local or over network? Also what audio streams?

13-12-10, 10:51
Over the network. I've got one of these NAS drives
http://www.play.com/PC/PCs/4-/7963585/Buffalo-LS-CH1-0TL-LinkStation-Live-1TB-NAS-Network-Attached-Storage-External-USB-Hard-Drive/Product.html?searchstring=linkstation+live&searchtype=allproducts&searchsource=0&urlrefer=search which has bittorrent built in and downloads the files by itself, then I watch them on the tv via a wireless ethernet bridge connected to the VU+ Duo.

As I said all the Divx and Xvid I've downloaded work fine, only the picture can be a bit choppy at times and it doesn't render as good as say an Xbox. If I try play the exact same files on my DM800HD I get the Gstreamer error and the files won't play at all.

13-12-10, 22:45
I have a related question. I recently changed to the Vix 1.3 image and can no longer see my Vu in My Computer>Network which i could before. How can i now transfer to the HDD in Vu. Can get into the Web Control if that makes any difference.