View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Confluence Skin - BRILLIANT - can you do?

17-05-15, 23:05
@Rossi - Thanks again m8. I thought I would start a new thread - thanks for the answers on this thread (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?45610-Small-issue-with-ViXBMC-1080-Confluenece-skin), but I wanted to start a seperate thread to that fix that you are doing - simply because the skin is brill, and I wanted the "chat" to be under an appropriate heading that appeciates the work you and @simonsez do!

I have a further request to the "picon" request in the Graphic EPG and Channel list!

Is it possible to include the "tuner" use in the "info" screen as in YouViX blue? Reason is kids often stream to their portable devices, and it is just handy to see other tuner is in use before "Dad" might record another channel whilst they are using webif?

As always, thanks to all of the ViX team - RESPECT.

17-05-15, 23:10

i will look at possibly adding picon to those screens.

the tuner info on the infobar will be in build 10, ive already done it.

17-05-15, 23:14
@rossi2000 ur BRILL!

19-05-15, 23:21
the tuner info on the infobar will be in build 10, ive already done it.

Guess this feature missed build 10? :(

Eagerly waiting!!

20-05-15, 02:47
Guess this feature missed build 10? :(

Eagerly waiting!!

It does show the tuner info in build 10 on the left hand side


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

20-05-15, 18:43
It does show the tuner info in build 10 on the left hand side

Hey Sorry Folks, it was late when I did the update last night - long day and missed the detail :p - reply was even later! Thanks a lot - really appreciate the work @Rossi, and the heads-up @khan888. Cheers

20-05-15, 19:36
Where can I download this skin?

It does show the tuner info in build 10 on the left hand side


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

20-05-15, 19:54
from the feeds,
download plugins>extentions>vixbmc 1080 confluence

for the picons, look for MK picons 400x240 SNP from http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php?dir=Picons/MK/

20-05-15, 23:10
from the feeds,
download plugins>extentions>vixbmc 1080 confluence

for the picons, look for MK picons 400x240 SNP from http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php?dir=Picons/MK/

FYI, and I may be wrong, but I think you need to be on Hades for the Confluence skin to be on feeds - @Rossi can confirm. I don't think it is on the Apollo feeds. You can find it in the "skins" section of the plugins feeds.

20-05-15, 23:36
yup correct, its in the feeds in hades image

21-05-15, 00:35
If you want to use current skins, use a current image. Simple.

21-05-15, 05:33
FYI, and I may be wrong, but I think you need to be on Hades for the Confluence skin to be on feeds - @Rossi can confirm. I don't think it is on the Apollo feeds. You can find it in the "skins" section of the plugins feeds.

we have no way of knowing which image/version that the poster i was responding to currently uses.
i based my reply on the fact that he is posting in a thread where the original poster states they are using Hades.

01-06-15, 15:38

i will look at possibly adding picon to those screens.

the tuner info on the infobar will be in build 10, ive already done it.

Hi @Rossi, I spent a little time studying ur skin and I have made the following changes to get the Picon on the "Graphical EPG" and also to the "Channel List". I have included the changes in a skin_user file attached. If you are using Rossi's Confluence skin, for those that don't know the path to a skin_user file, just drop the attached skin_user_ViXBMC_1080_Confluence.xml file (unzipped without changing the name) into root\etc\enigma2

@Rossi, if you get a minute you might have a look at the "No Picon Loaded" post I made http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?45610-Small-issue-with-ViXBMC-1080-Confluenece-skin&p=355193&viewfull=1#post355193 relating to the second info screen for a recorded movie.

@Rossi, I also note when I launch the "Channel List" screen that I have added the picon to, I get the same "No Picon Loaded" message on the initial screen where the bouquets are listed - I think you get around this behaviour by having an initial screen without the "picon", and then you introduce the picon after a bouquet is selected? If you have time to comment or amend the the .xml attached it would be great and helpful.

Also, the changes to your work were really minor, so please use as you see fit or not.

Thanks for your great work - I think it is very creative and adds to the whole experience!

01-06-15, 15:52
the channellist looks ok with the picon and provider up there, i think the provider info could be useful there. i may include those,

im not too sure about the epg screen though, it removes some of the epg description.

01-06-15, 17:35
the channellist looks ok with the picon and provider up there, i think the provider info could be useful there. i may include those,

im not too sure about the epg screen though, it removes some of the epg description.

@Rossi Whatever you think, it is your skin. I could not find any epg description that consumed all of the space available. If you look at the space on the "Channel List" screen for epg description, there is actually considerably more space on the "Graphical EPG" screen.

Thanks again, perhaps you could look at my other questions if you have time?

01-06-15, 17:55
@Rossi Whatever you think, it is your skin. I could not find any epg description that consumed all of the space available. If you look at the space on the "Channel List" screen for epg description, there is actually considerably more space on the "Graphical EPG" screen.

Thanks again, perhaps you could look at my other questions if you have time?

sky epg doenst fill in the gap, but euro sats do. there is more to these boxes than just sky tv :)

the no picon on channeselection in the bouquet lists is normal.

01-06-15, 17:57
sky epg doenst fill in the gap, but euro sats do. there is more to these boxes than just sky tv :)

the no picon on channeselection in the bouquet lists is normal.

mmmmh thats why I'm a Newbie! Whatever you choose to do - Thanks :thumbsup:

01-06-15, 18:45
@Rossi, if you get a minute you might have a look at the "No Picon Loaded" post I made http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?45610-Small-issue-with-ViXBMC-1080-Confluenece-skin&p=355193&viewfull=1#post355193 relating to the second info screen for a recorded movie.

@Rossi I think perhaps I was not clear The first Movie Infobar screen or "MovieSelection" has the correct picon based on RecordServiceName I think - it is displayed correctly as expected.

The problem is the SECOND "Movie Event Info" Picon (i.e. second press of OK button whilst recording is playing) that is not displayed for the same recorded movie - the picon is in the picon folder, but the confluence event info screen displays "no picon loaded" which is not correct, and I believe to be a small bug as reported in the link above with screenshots - appreciate if you an take a look.

01-06-15, 20:16
im not too sure about the epg screen though, it removes some of the epg description.

...sky epg doenst fill in the gap, but euro sats do. there is more to these boxes than just sky tv :) ...

@Rossi I have taken into account what you said originally and on your later reply - the epg description is about the same as the original as it now "fills" the space to the border at the bottom.

Attached is a new .xml and layout. Again, whatever you think?

01-06-15, 20:25
that looks better :)
i'll add the changes to the main skin, thanks for those recommendations :)

09-06-15, 20:39
that looks better :)
i'll add the changes to the main skin, thanks for those recommendations :)

@Rossi - thanks for doing this in the latest Hades 12 release :)

Perhaps you did not see my other post "No Picon Loaded" or perhaps you have not included in this release of Confluence? I provided images and fix here (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?46182-Show-picon-in-recordings&p=359516&viewfull=1#post359516). Perhaps I have overlooked something?

Thanks again for all of the work

09-06-15, 23:06
@Rossi - thanks for doing this in the latest Hades 12 release :)

Perhaps you did not see my other post "No Picon Loaded" or perhaps you have not included in this release of Confluence? I provided images and fix here (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?46182-Show-picon-in-recordings&p=359516&viewfull=1#post359516). Perhaps I have overlooked something?

Thanks again for all of the work

@Rossi I have had a look a the xml coding around the "Eventview" and "EventviewSimple" screens between the Confluence skin versions in Hades 11 & 12.

In Hades 12 some of the code has been consolidated to make the "EventviewSimple" a panel in the "Eventview" screen, where as in Hades version 11, there was seperate discrete code for each screen.

At this time the "CONVERT TYPE" for picon reference for the "Eventview" to work with live broadcasts needs to be different from that for recorded broadcasts - see link to the fix posted to "EventviewSimple" above - so unless something changes in the widget, I think the screens have to be different?

Live broadcast Picon XML:
<widget source="Service" render="Picon" position="420,220" size="400,240" alphatest="blend" backgroundColor="transparent" transparent="1" zPosition="2">
<convert type="ServiceName">Reference</convert>

Recorded Movie Picon XML:
<widget source="Service" render="Picon" position="420,220" size="400,240" alphatest="blend" backgroundColor="transparent" transparent="1" zPosition="2">
<convert type="MovieReference">Reference</convert>

This is the issue causing the "No Picon Loaded" message on the second info screen of recorded movies.

I hope this helps.

13-06-15, 14:35
@Rossi my favourite skin by far, awesome job.

I am using this on a GI LX-1.

I really like it... is there an option to remove the tuner letter? I know it was recently added in, but with only one tuner, I do not really need it to show any letter there....

How do I get the information (press ok twice) to stay on screen longer than a few seconds?

The massive infobar is awesome...don't change it....!!

Would a 720 version be possible? This does tend to be a little slow to respond sometimes, possibly down to my box...?

13-06-15, 14:47
Take a look in the user interface settings for the time delay.
It will be your receiver's lack of umph for the legginess/responsiveness.
I highly doubt Rossi would do a 720p version.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

18-06-15, 20:09
Is there a way in changing the info on the channel list to a different colour?

18-06-15, 20:54
Yeah, this is a near perfect skin and the only way I can think that it can be improved is a different colout text (only slightly) to the actual programme name in the list than the channel name.

whereas on mine both are white, and it is hard to distinguish at a glance.


18-06-15, 23:35
i will have another look at this at the weekend, i'll see what i can do :)

19-06-15, 00:40
i will have another look at this at the weekend, i'll see what i can do :)FYI: one change I've had to do is to make ListboxSelectedBackground darker, as the bright blue bleeds into the foreground to my eyes (and this is essentially a light-on-dark skin).

<color name="gmlcolour" value="#00044080" />
in <colors> and

<color name="ListboxSelectedBackground" color="gmlcolour" />
in <windowstyle type="skinned" id="0">

It might be OK for me to just darken thirdcolour, but I haven't looked at all the places that this is used.

21-06-15, 00:44
I think there is a bug in this skin (although it could just be me).

If I do an IMDb seach from the EPG the background template is a screen on the left and the PIG at the top right.
but the data is displayed as if expecting a screen overlay in the middle.


21-06-15, 08:23
Same here - been meaning to report it.

23-06-15, 18:17
Is there a way in changing the info on the channel list to a different colour?

Could anyone help with this

23-06-15, 18:21
I think there is a bug in this skin (although it could just be me).

If I do an IMDb seach from the EPG the background template is a screen on the left and the PIG at the top right.
but the data is displayed as if expecting a screen overlay in the middle.


will check it out.
and the channelist

30-08-15, 13:34
Hello, Having managed to upgrade to Vix 3.2 on my Vu+2 Duo I Started using this superb skin today - its fantastic thank you rossi2000. The only thing im stuck with is if i double press the OK button when watching a channel i get shown a weather forecast for Roma Urbe Airport - i cant fathom out where to adjust this setting. :o Im probably being thick but just cant seem to crack this one - please can someone give me a point in the right direction. Many Thanks

30-08-15, 13:37
press blue button, select yahoo weather and then red button to change city.
type it in, press ok and then select it to make the change.

30-08-15, 13:40
Thanks Rossi2000 and thanks again for an amazing Skin.

Yellow Ostrich
13-09-15, 20:21
Hi, I'd really like to try this skin but cannot find it.

I have an octagon XP1000Plus with the new version 3.2, build 003.

I've looked in the plugin feeds, in skins and extensions and cannot find it. Can I download it from anywhere else and install manually?


Yellow Ostrich.
P.S. Just updated to version 3.2 build 005 and still can't find the confluence skin in the plugin feeds. :(

13-09-15, 21:23
Hi, I'd really like to try this skin but cannot find it.

I have an octagon XP1000Plus with the new version 3.2, build 003.

I've looked in the plugin feeds, in skins and extensions and cannot find it. Can I download it from anywhere else and install manually?


Yellow Ostrich.
P.S. Just updated to version 3.2 build 005 and still can't find the confluence skin in the plugin feeds. :(

Update Plugins and then it is plugins\skins section and then the skin is named: openvix-vixbmc-1080-Confluenece

abu baniaz
13-09-15, 22:05
Not all receivers support the 1080p framebuffer. The ones that do not will not have access to 1080p skins

25-02-16, 12:18
I have a slight problem. When I have the channel list screen on there is no mini screen or now and next info. All I have is the channel list in the left panel and the right panel is blank. If I select a channel it plays behind the panels and select again plays in full screen. I have hdd mounted and epg saved there.
I'm hopeful that it's a setting that I've missed but I think I've tried them all!

Any help would be great.