View Full Version : Unresponsive Receiver

16-05-15, 22:51
Hi, I have had issues with my Vu+ Duo receiver for the past few weeks.

I was running Apollo 166 and had installed a few plugins such as Kodi and Dream Explorer. The VIX logo would occasionally rotate in the top left corner and then disappear. This became more frequent as the days progressed.

I then updated to the new release of Kodi the other day and my box kept crashing. (Rebooting in a cycle)

I reflashed with Hades 008, and have not installed any plugins, but the box is quite laggy and the logo often appears in the corner. Also when connecting via FTP, the connection is slow.

Have I got a dying box, a bad hard drive or something else?

Has anyone experienced this, or can offer any advice?


16-05-15, 23:03
box is old and trying to do all that is asked of it,i suggest to get a swapfile setup for box and use cacheflush plugin as it helps box running,presume you have epg to usb/hdd and not internal flash:eek:

when you reflashed box with new image you setup from scratch and not used settings backup?

17-05-15, 01:39
Hi mate

You cannot run kodi on the old duo model its only working on later models like solo2 etc

17-05-15, 07:51
Thanks for the replies. In response;

@cactikid; the setup was from scratch. No backups were restored.

@satmanbasil; Kodi was working fine for the the past few months. Since I reflashed to Hades I have not installed it.

17-05-15, 08:05
Kodi plugin is different from the xbmc one, xbmc plugin won't work on duo but as I read u are using kodi.

17-05-15, 08:27
@leave22; correct. That was my previous setup, but now I'm just try to get back to basics and have a stable image that does not lag.

17-05-15, 11:04
Have a go at cactkid suggestions.

17-05-15, 12:11
Will try. Assume there are no known issues with the Hades 008 release?

17-05-15, 13:17
You could always update to 009 via remote to see if this makes any difference.

17-05-15, 14:00
i will have to recheck as i am running kodidirect on old duo:confused:

yes its there on apollo 166 and working.as i said i use cacheflush and a setup usb for swapfile and yes i get the spinning vix symbol but it works so far.

17-05-15, 14:26
Like said above enable 256mb in swap manager on to usb, also kodi works fine for me on older boxes showbox,genisis,sportsdevel all fine I do have issues now and again and if I do I use tsmedia

17-05-15, 14:56
You could always update to 009 via remote to see if this makes any difference.

17-05-15, 15:12
unsure if i would have both kodidirect and tsmedia on the duo box,the more you put onto it the more chance of a crash and lagging:D

17-05-15, 15:16
From what I am aware of TSMedia is unsupported by VIX. Has this changed for Hades?

17-05-15, 15:46
any support would be on the download plugins and listed,yes new tsmedia is listed but as its a slow box dont overload it

17-05-15, 16:00

I shall start afresh and monitor performance. The only main usage shall be for satellite and Kodi.

17-05-15, 17:48
but if you put kodidirect and tsmedia on?? ,ok sat and kodidirect and setup cacheflush from plugins as it runs itself,and swapfile ,and epg to usb then good to go:thumbsup:

17-05-15, 18:42
Ive been using a duo for nearly three years and i find the only way to have vix spinning free viewing im afraid is a fresh flash with no back ups,activate a swapfile on your hdd or usb/set up epg to save on hdd/usb dont bother with picons and dont install any plugins.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

17-05-15, 19:04
Thanks. Have reflashed to Apollo as I am happy with that and just running Kodi with a swapfile. Not an immediate response in every instance, but good enough. Will brave Hades when I get a bit more time to configure.

21-06-15, 18:17
Hi, a quick update. I am running Hades 10 with a swap file, cache app and TS Media and OnDemand. Everything appears spot on with the exception of two things;

1, the volume button does not do anything. It will slide up and down the scale, but does not increment the scale with the exception of zero.

2, CrossEPG does not automatically download and the extension button for a manual update does not work. I have to open the full app and download the latest listings from the OpenTVproviders menu.

Can anyone please advise if they have had experience of this and how to resolve?


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