View Full Version : USB/HD Issues?

14-05-15, 08:54
Hi Guys,
Hope someone can shed some light on these issues I am having?
I was on the latest Apollo image on a VU+ Duo. I have an 8 gig USB stick in the back which I have timeshift, picons, crossepg and swap file on it. The other night I was checking the EPG which was not showing channel details so just to check, FTP'd onto the box and saw that the USB was completely empty? like it have been deleted? The VU could still see it so I am guessing it still worked. Then later on the hard drive seemed to have got wiped and I lost all my recordings?

So I decided to update to the latest Hades I flashed and setup from scratch with no restore. This setup fine but I am still getting the same issue with the USB? I am going to swap the USB out tonight but for some reason when I check recordings it is not saving them and there is not a movie folder any more? Do I just create one? I checked the settings and can see the folder structure is pointing to the movie folder but there is not one there? COuld that be a reason that it is not recording them? I can see them in the HDD/media folder while they are recorded but then they are deleted when stopped?

Any help would be great as this is very strange?

14-05-15, 08:57
goto ViX and the mound manager are hdd and usb still mounted? Do you have other usb devices attached. I found out that a flash drive and WiFi stick on my Ultimo was to much for the 500mA of USB2.


14-05-15, 10:09
8gb is very small to record time shift to. Try disabling it.

18-05-15, 09:20
Thanks for your help guys,
Its very strange I have unmounted both HD and USB and mounted them back and formatted them both.
This works for a while then after a while or a reboot files get deleted of the drives?!
Could there be any reason for this?
Thanks in advance.

18-05-15, 09:53
is it an internal or external hdd? If external use additional power supply or active usb hub.


18-05-15, 11:05
Hi Trial,
No its an internal HD. Maybe the HD is on its way out?

18-05-15, 12:00
I don't think so, in fact I have the same problem as u described.
I have a USB 8GB and an internal HDD and it does the same thing as it does to you, the machine deletes the recordings after finishing them or sometimes after the reboot
I already change the internal HDD and also I put only the HDD (no USB) and the same thing happened.
I think is related to "mount points" and NFS stuff (because it also erased my PC desktop after mounted and pointed to it)!

A “PRO” explanation and a real solution for this issue is welcome .

By the way I also changed the image (for the openMIPS and openATV ) but the problem is the same !!!!

19-05-15, 13:02
Its almost like the unit has caught a virus?
It just wipes itself even deleting the movie folder I have setup. I have started from scratch and flashed it fresh but still doing this?

19-05-15, 13:33
did you open ports in your router? If yes close them or cut the network connection of your box.


19-05-15, 15:04
This works for a while then after a while or a reboot files get deleted of the drives?!
Could there be any reason for this?Have you checked that after a reboot the disks are mounted - and mounted where you expect them to be?

20-05-15, 08:37
I have removed the USB stick and completely re-flashed from fresh with the latest image. HDD was mounted and was working, I tested it with recordings and they were being saved to the correct path.
I left it for a bit and cam back and the only thing left on the HDD was the swapfile I had created? nothing at all else on there?
I am going to swap the HDD out and see if I get any luck with that.
I am running out of ideas now, so any help resolving would be grateful.

21-05-15, 08:48
I have re-flashed my VU Duo and left out the USB so it was all on the HDD. It created the folders I would expect and looked to be working.
Then a few hours later I thought I would check and the HDD had been wiped of everything in the /media/hdd??? I have no idea! Next I might swap the HDD or I was thinking last night that as I have ftp open to it from anywhere someone or something is logging in and doing this? Could that be a thing?

21-05-15, 10:19
check the hdd is still mounted if not mount it. reboot the box a few times and check each time its still mounted

And turn off openwebif or remove internet and see how it works;)

21-05-15, 20:54
Hu Guys,
Thanks for all the help. I think I have worked out what it was?
I have the VU Duo open on FTP on the net but I had never put a password on it??!!! Never really thought I would need to.
So I changed the password on the Duo and it then reboot and the movie file came back and has been there ever since and recordings are going to the right place.
Strange but thanks for the help.

21-05-15, 22:27
So I changed the password on the Duo and it then reboot and the movie file came back and has been there ever since If the movie file "came back" then it was always there (somewhere).
Unless you are suggesting that some mysterious Internet person magically put it back just because you'd added a password to the FTP account - and did so as soon as you added one.
The problem is extremely unlikely to have been anything to do with FTP access.

22-05-15, 09:13
I am not sure if it "came back" after a reboot or I formatted it again? Its all seems to be there running now.
Thanks for all your help guys.