View Full Version : [MB Premium Twin HD] Box stuck on movie menu with spinning VIX logo

11-05-15, 23:30
I was browsing the movie list (which has a small window with the current channel showing) and left it like that for a few minutes.
During that time a recoding started up.
I'm now in the position where the recording appears to be happening (I can login to the box to see that the recording files are growing and the front panel indicates a recording) but the GUI is totally unresponsive.

I'm not sure whether a second recording should have started up (it hasn't).

At the moment the timers.xml file contains no data related to the current recording. In fact the last information that file contains is about a recording from 1427 to 17:10 this afternoon - but there was another recording from 19:02 to 20:05 (which did happen).

I'm waiting for the recording to finish to see what happens then.

12-05-15, 00:25
OK. That recording finished.
Well - the programme did, but the recording just kept going. GUI still unresponsive.
kill -TERM <enigma2-pid> failed to stop it.
kill -HUP did stop it.

Then did init 4/init 3 to get the GUI going again, and at that point it started up a recording. It turned out that there was a second recording due to start, at 23:02.

My suspicion is that the problem is caused by having the menu open (displaying a channel) when a recording starts up that needs to take over the final tuner slot (which this second recording would have done). This leaves the menu with no free tuner (the small screen there was blank) and then something goes wrong.

Looking at the files for the failed recording, something did try to get the original one started, but the .ts file was empty, and all of the time-stamps are for when I HUP'ed enigma2 - >1 hour after the programme actually started.