View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] If in doubt - reboot!

11-05-15, 21:05
Many of us seem to be guilty of finding what seems to be an image problem following a new image flash and failing to try a reboot. Although flashing a new image from within ViX Image Manager will culminate in a system restart, I have often found that what at first appear to be problems totally disappear following a full reboot.

I do not know enough about flash memory generally or Linux boxes in particular to be able to explain this, I just know that it is always worthwhile turning the power to the box off for a few seconds, then turning it back on again before getting too bothered about an apparent glitch!

Furthermore, I have now got well and truly into the habit of flashing each new build without restoring settings and plugins, ignoring the convenience of having a built-in Backup Manager I'm afraid, as I'm convinced that the occasional gremlin creeps into our settings and will infect new images if one uses a backup restore!

So - point of this post? If you think you have discovered a problem, try a reboot first and see if the problem persists. If it has gone - Yippee!

If not, your next step, if you haven't already done so, is to enable debug logging and again reboot, giving you a shiny new debug log ready to capture the gremlin the next time it shows up! The debug log may appear to be written in Swahili, but then, most people messing around with this type of box will have at least some idea what it all means, or know someone who does!

If you think you have an image problem and expect help on here, you will get a much quicker result if you provide debug logs to begin with. If you are reading this and don't know what debug logs are or how to enable them - ask!