View Full Version : Missing Picons (except for default_picon.png!)

11-05-15, 12:52
Hi All,
I am struggling with enabling Picons on my BH2.0.2 E2 image.
I am fairly new to all this so bear with me.
When I first got my vu+ Duo I managed to get it set up and got picons installed on USB and working. All seemed fine, until one day my box ran out of space - got a green screen crash saying out of space and timer.xls corrupt. Box went on to a green screen boot loop.
I didnt have a backup of my working system at this time, so had to re-flash my stock 2.0.2 and rebuild.
I have managed to get it back to how it was previously, except for the picons.
I am sure I have followed the same steps as last time, and have searched many forums since this issue in trying to find a resolve, but everything sends me in circles trying the same things over.

I can confirm;
Astra 28.2E picons installed on USB media under media/usb/picon
The media/usb is mounted correctly.
I have tried many different skins and all produce same result.
I have since tried many different picons and all produce the same result.
I have tried adding in symbolic link to usr/share/enigma2/picon to /media/usb/picon but this made no difference.
I have tried placing under flash on usr/share/enigma/picon, and media/hdd, but still no luck.
I have tried using RAT packs picon updater - succesfully runs and installs (when only one picon reference found), but still will not show my picons.

What I do find wierd, is that no matter which picon pack I install, all the channels will show the default_picon.png from that pack for all channels in the epg. This must mean that the picon script is understanding the location for picons as it picks up the default_picon.png from within it (ie rats pack shows rat icon, epgeek shows a epgeek picon, etc.) for every channel.

The skins I use do not appear to have an option to turn on picons under OSD that I can see, but based on above finding, I believe they are enabled anyway.

Have restarted enigme and restart box many times over incase its a restart issue, but no luck.

What am I missing? :confused:


13-05-15, 00:07
Got a little update.
Found someone else experimenting and renaming their picons. I wondered why would you.
Within my picon list the big number in the middle is 11A0000. I used a powershell script to rename mine to 11C0000 as seen in this other post.
Now my picons started working!

Great you may think, but then why does my machine require a different number to what people are using when they create the picon names?
From what I understand this is a hex reference to the satellite signal or something.
Why would this have been correct the first time I built my box, but the second time around, be different. Its still using the same satellite.

Thoughts anyone?

13-05-15, 00:28
You really are complicating things that are & should be easy.
Picons will show on all E2 images where picon name = channel service reference.
Some images also support SNP (Service name picons), so when a channel changes it's service reference, if the channel name doesn't change, the picon will continue to work.

13-05-15, 00:57
Carnt see why they wont show if you have named the picons file picon,have you downloaded the picons from downloads or ftpd them over.when viewing epg and pressing menu have got picon enabled?

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