View Full Version : [VU+ Solo2] Small issue with ViXBMC 1080 Confluenece skin

10-05-15, 16:09
I think the skin is Rossi's and Simonsez' work - Great work, Great Skin - Thanks for sharing (if i have credited the incorrect folks - my apologies)

Very small issue on the recording 2nd info screen with Picon "error message" - please see first and second info screens below. The Picon cannot be found on the second info screen. Very small "glitch" and as I said, Brilliant skin - Thanks for all of the work to you guys and the ViX Team

16-05-15, 12:49
This is a fantastic skin! Forgive me for asking for more.

Is there a chance of fitting in a "picon" somewhere on the Graphic EPG screen and in the Channel Selection screen, like in YouVix Blue? I currently have "Channel Name and Picon" selected, but it looks a tiny bit cluttered, IMHO it would be "nicer" with just the selected channel picon if it can be done?

I realise the is "based" on XBMC, nevertheless I have to say the work is very imaginitive and precise and adds very much to the user experience - Thanks!

16-05-15, 13:48
the picon on the eventinfo screen is fixed in next build.

i'll look to see where a picon could be displayed :)

16-05-15, 13:56
@Rossi, thanks for being so willing to help folks, really appreciated :thumbsup:

abu baniaz
16-05-15, 14:15
One of the fields in the options you mentioned is "picon". Doesn't it work?

16-05-15, 17:33
One of the fields in the options you mentioned is "picon". Doesn't it work?

Hi @abu baniaz, thanks for the input. I think you mean the option to display "picon" or "service name" or both, and Yes that does indeed work.

What I was asking @Rossi was if he could implement a "new" feature to the Confluence skin so that the current selected channel shows the picon somewhere on the screens that he has designed - I'll leave any positioning to @Rossi as he has the creative flair.

The reason is that the "picon" combined with the service name is IMHO is a little cluttered. In @Rossi's YouViX Blue, as you move up and down the listings in the Graphic EPG and in the Channel Listing, the picon is displayed and changes with the channel selection - I like that, perhaps others preference is different?

Thanks again for helping me make the request clear.

24-05-15, 16:52
the picon on the eventinfo screen is fixed in next build.

i'll look to see where a picon could be displayed :)

Hi @Rossi. Quick question re "eveninfo" screen? The last release of the skin in Hades 10 had the tuner status enhancement. I still see "no picon loaded" on the recordings event info - I guess fix is coming in the next build?

Have you had any luck with the picon on the EPG and Channel List screens? To be honest, I have looked at the skin.xml (common and templates too), and with all of the panel templates and the variations on the skin, and the 1080 sizing I am finding it really hard to figure things out theses days compared to some of the earlier skin xml files! It's a bit beyond me.

Thanks again for the cool work, IMHO your skins really add to the ViX experience