View Full Version : Stupid question.....

09-05-15, 22:48
....but could someone please explain difference between a restart and a reboot on these boxes AND how to carry out each of these operations? :sofahide: Preparing for the arrival of my se on Monday.

09-05-15, 23:01
from the menu;
Restart GUI= restart
Restart= Reboot

09-05-15, 23:36
Good stuff nightmare911. I just want to be as well prepared as possible for the big day :D

11-05-15, 10:40
Reboot = reload operating system and then reload graphical user interface (gui) , restart = just reload gui

11-05-15, 10:42
Depending on box speed may take as little as 30 seconds on a dual core system or 2minites on a single core unit such as a xpeed lx2