View Full Version : [MB Premium Twin HD] Strange "split" recording

08-05-15, 00:53
Just reporting this in case anyone has any ideas...

For the last two weeks my recording of The Big Bang Theory on E4 at 20:30 (so 20:27 to 21:05) has ended up in two parts - each being (roughly) 31mins + 7mins. It's as though enigma crashed(?) and restarted at ~20:58.

There is no crash log.

And I've just noticed that a recording of The Game (BBC Two HD 20:57 -> 22:05) also ended up in two parts - the first being just 32s. Further delving (in /proc) shows that enigma2 restarted at 20:57 - which would explain both.

So what could be causing this that would not result in an error log being produced?

The system has been up for 16hours, so it's not rebooting, and there is nothing in the system logs.

And, just so you know, when this happened last week I was on Apollo.166, not Hades.

08-05-15, 01:02
In all the years over thousands of builds, I've never seen E2 crash without creating a crashlog on multiple boxes, except for overheating.
Are you sure it didn't reboot rather than restart E2?
Is there a temp reading on your box that you can monitor when this happens?
Also, was the HDD formatted by the box?

08-05-15, 01:28
In all the years over thousands of builds, I've never seen E2 crash without creating a crashlog on multiple boxes, except for overheating.
Are you sure it didn't reboot rather than restart E2?

root@mbtwin:~# uptime
01:23:56 up 16:45, 1 user, load average: 0.07, 0.03, 0.05
root@mbtwin:~# ps -fp 25973
root 25973 1 0 May07 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/enigma2.sh
root@mbtwin:~# ls -l /proc/25973/stat
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 0 May 7 20:57 /proc/25973/stat
root@mbtwin:~# date
Fri May 8 01:24:43 IST 2015(Ignore the IST - it's a bug in the timezone code and Hades has changed things, so the fix I had on Apollo no longer works. It should say BST.)

Is there a temp reading on your box that you can monitor when this happens?No.
But that wouldn't affect just one process anyway.

Also, was the HDD formatted by the box?Yes.

14-05-15, 23:10
It's Thursday again (that's not the curious part) and once again the recording of The Game (BBC Two HD 20:57 -> 22:05) has thrown up a problem (that is).

At least The Big Bang Theory managed to record in one piece this week (they overlap by 5+3 = 8 mins). However, when I came to wake the box up from Standby during its recording of The Game it refused to respond to the remote. WebIF also failed to work (no response from the server).
I could login to the box though and the recording was progressing as normal. What was not normal was that the enigma2 process was, according to strace, stuck on a futex() syscall. (Normally it would be poll()ing it's various input sources for activity).

I'm still trying to work out was is specific to this timer that makes it a problem, whereas no others seem to be.
The only other thing I can think of is that it has another overlapping timer recording at the end of its run - but we haven't got that far yet, and I'm not sure whether this is the only instance of such a case that I have.