View Full Version : Video set-up

06-05-15, 14:32
Hello all

I have been using this box for nearly 6 months on scart as I don't have a HD tv (Don't laugh...lol)

I have now bought the Samsung curve one (feeling smug...lol).

I went into the A/V settings changed it to HDMI the change the other setting to 1080p, saved it and rebooted. All booted up fine and looked spot on, when I change the channel it leaves like a strip of white fuzz on both sides of the tv :confused:

The only time its okay is when I set the setting for 720, am I doing something wrong?

06-05-15, 15:47
Although I have not done this on my TV I understand turning off overscan on your TV will fix the problem, their is also away of sorting this out via your duo2 settings which worked for me. if you have a problem finding this adjustment let me know and I will guide you through.

08-05-15, 06:20
The above worked fine, thanks.

I would still be interested in you vu settings if its not too much bother.
