View Full Version : Hades Changelog

05-05-15, 20:06
I searched the forum to no avail hence the question................

Will there be dedicated changelog urls for Hades? (oe-git log & e3-git log) along with a thread in 'OpenViX image updates and changelogs' section?

Thanks in advance.

06-05-15, 07:50
simplest way is menu, information, about and then info button on remote. There you can see the latest changes in OE and E2.


06-05-15, 10:22
Does this mean there wont be any log anymore?

I normally look at changes before deciding whether to do a USB fresh flash. So if changes are more for other boxes or things that i won't really notice I may decide to give that release a miss.

The above method means we have to have updated first to see what changes there are.

Although I don't generally do online updates, will info of changes be listed there before doing online update because I can look there for changes then do a fresh USB flash if there is a need.

06-05-15, 10:26
all the information is on github you know.
you can check exactly what has been done etc even before a build takes place.

E2:- https://github.com/OpenViX/enigma2/commits/master
Skins:- https://github.com/OpenViX/skins/commits/master

OE:- https://github.com/oe-alliance/oe-alliance-core/commits/3.0

06-05-15, 11:15
"The above method means we have to have updated first to see what changes there are."

when you start an update and there is one then you will be prompted that there are XY updated packets. There you have the option to install and restart but there is also the option to view changes and on the public builds you should see all changes and then you can decide if you want to upgrade. Is this information empty when you last updated? If yes then it was an error.


06-05-15, 13:05
And simple ascii logs from released builds.


06-05-15, 15:42
And simple ascii logs from released builds.


This is what I was looking for, thanks.

Could these links not be in their own sticky thread for anyone else wanting to see changes?

19-05-15, 09:17
Hi guy's. I've been looking at the latest vix images for the gigablue quad and noticed that they have changed from apollo to hades .dose that mean I have to reflash the box with hades or can I just downloaded it over the top of apollo

19-05-15, 19:50
When you reflash with Hades it will be a clean install with no restores/backups , so you would setup like new.

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