View Full Version : [TM-TWIN-OE] CrossEPG hanging

05-05-15, 08:45
Apart from the occasional glitch, CrossEPG has run well for me throughout ViX 3.0, Helios and Apollo, but both my TM Twin-OE boxes have started hanging at the 'Starting Downloader' stage. just FTP'd into the boxes and find the same thing in the CrossEPG log:-

05/05/2015 07:30:08 SIFTeam CrossEPG Downloader 0.8.1+gitrAUTOINC+e674681052 (c) 2009-2014 Sandro Cavazzoni (https://github.com/oe-alliance/e2openplugin-CrossEPG)
05/05/2015 07:30:13 This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
05/05/2015 07:30:13 Interactive: OPEN cmd received
05/05/2015 07:30:13 EPGDB opened (root=/media/hdd/crossepg)
05/05/2015 07:30:15 Clearing old aliases...
05/05/2015 07:30:15 Loading 'aliases.conf'...
05/05/2015 07:30:15 Loaded 1 aliases
05/05/2015 07:30:15 Adding new aliases...
05/05/2015 07:30:15 Completed
05/05/2015 07:30:15 Interactive: OK action sent
05/05/2015 07:30:15 Interactive: DEMUXER cmd received
05/05/2015 07:30:15 Interactive: OK action sent
05/05/2015 07:30:15 Interactive: FRONTEND cmd received
05/05/2015 07:30:15 Interactive: OK action sent
05/05/2015 07:30:15 Interactive: DOWNLOAD cmd received
05/05/2015 07:33:22 Interactive: QUIT cmd received

There are multiple entries just like this - but no clues as to where the QUIT command comes from. Nothing of value found in the debug logs either!

Setup is:

Fixed dish with quad LNB on 28.2E
ABM set to run daily, prior to CrossEPG, using Sky UK Central Midlands SD.
EPG configured to store EPG in media/hdd
CrossEPG configured to use OpenTV Astra2 on 28.2 only
Do not use XMLTV or any other EPG provider

Just run CrossEPG on a scheduled download with box on and all is well - but then tried a scheduled download with box in standby and CrossEPG log shows the same DOWNLOAD cmd followed by QUIT cmd entry.

I will experiment some more and providing I can replicate the problem will upload debug logs to see if Abu or Andyblac et al can spot something in the logs that I am missing.