View Full Version : [CrossEPG-Config] CrossEPG not auto updating

04-05-15, 10:50
For some reason on my new xpeed LX2 my crossepg is not auto updating with its timer setting. It updates fine if i manually update it.

ABM settings
Provider :- Sky UK england
Scheduled scan :- 02:00

CrossEPG settings
EPG file location :- media/hdd
OpenTV provider :- Sky Uk
Scheduled scan :- 02:10

This is from a totally clean install of the latest Apollo 166 image. Im totally at a loss why the auto update isn't functioning :confused:

04-05-15, 11:07
personally I would leave a full hour between update of ABM and EPG not for any scientific reason purely from the fact that ABM might run at a different speed on occasion or the box might just need more time depending on how many bouquets your are installing, 10 min might not be enough of time gap for the epg. With regards the epg I am sure you have a "green tick" beside the uk option in opentv option within the epg settings no harm to select download now just to ensure its working normally and if not running what error message are you getting?

04-05-15, 11:11
ABM is only installing UK bouquet. On a manual run ABM finishes in around 5 minutes.

Yes green tick is next to UK option. Just tried a download now and worked fine

04-05-15, 11:37
Hi, I can not get my epg to work either, it just stopped working. I have never updated my firmware to the latest one? then follow the instructions above?

04-05-15, 12:14
sorry that didn't make sense. should I update to the latest firmware then follow the above instructions...

04-05-15, 14:02
You need to tell people what image you are using etc

04-05-15, 14:55
You may need to setup a swap file?

04-05-15, 18:57
ah ok I have looked in image information and it says version zeus is this what I need to know?

04-05-15, 19:02
or do you mean vix?