View Full Version : +24 hr feature

29-04-15, 23:39
I have read on another thread that there is a + 24hr option on the epg and is found by pressing HELP. When I press HELP I get TS Media and in the other thread it suggests that TS Media has hijacked the button. How do I get the HELP button back doing its orignal function ? or by what other method can I access +24 hr ?


29-04-15, 23:44
TSmedia does indeed hijack the default function of the HELP button within ViX. Although you can disable it from within TSmedia but it's not a plugin I have any working knowledge of so can't help with that.

Sent from my iPad Air using Tapatalk

abu baniaz
29-04-15, 23:51
You can revert the usage of the Help button in Tsmedia's settings.

You can see this post for the EPG navigation options

Please also note:

Thread has been moved to the ViX-Team-Images-Support-Discussion section. It is best to use the image support section for image issues as problems/solutions are usually the same irrespectve of receiver. It also helps others searching for the same issue although they may have another receiver.

Please read the thread in link below which explains things better.

http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?33155-ALL-MEMBERS-PLEASE-READ!-New-method-of-posting-in-ViX-Support-Section (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?33155-ALL-MEMBERS-PLEASE-READ!-New-method-of-posting-in-ViX-Support-Section)!

No harm has been done, no need to apologise. Please bear in mind for future support questions.

29-04-15, 23:56
Whilst in the EPG press the channel up/down buttons for the 24 hour shift

29-04-15, 23:56
Button setup, built into the image should also let you reset the help or any other button to a function you want.

29-04-15, 23:59
Button setup, built into the image should also let you reset the help or any other button to a function you want.

You would need to turn it off from within TSmedia as it hijacks the help button for it's own use.

30-04-15, 00:11
You would need to turn it off from within TSmedia as it hijacks the help button for it's own use.
Not a plugin I use. If the inbuilt button set-up can't overwrite a plugin hijacking of a button, all the more reason not to use that plugin.

30-04-15, 01:08
·..or by what other method can I access +24 hr ?WillChannel +/- (at least for me).

abu baniaz
30-04-15, 01:18
Might as well as paste the contents of link here then

This should be most of the EPG button pushes at present:

TV = open lists of bouquets
> (next to 0) = Jump to next bouquet.
< (next to 0) = Jump to previous bouquet.

Up/down/left/right = move within EPG

8 = Page down
2 = Page up
4 = Page left
6 = Page right

CH+ = Forward 24 hours
CH- = Back 24 hours

7 = increases/decreases number of items

5 = Jump to current time
9 = Jump to prime time. Prime ime is configurable

1 = reduce time scale
3 = Increase time scale

0 = move to home of list, i.e first channel of current bouquet

EPG = Show single EPG for current channel

Text = Go to specific date/time

Blue (short) = add auto timer for highlighted event
Blue (long) = Show autotimer list

Red (short) = IMDB search for current event
Red (long) = Sort EPG list

Green (short) = add/remove timer for highlighted event
Green (long) = Show timer list

Yellow (short) = Search for similar events

Record (short) = Add record timer for highlighted event
Record (long) = Add zap timer for highlighted event

30-04-15, 06:27
Unprofessional to assign important function in epg to help button!
i received many feedbacks by users to keep the customized usage of help button by TSmedia to see what downloaded in background through job manager
else simply by TSmedia/desktop/settings(yellow button)-e2 restart prevent this "hijack"

30-04-15, 07:05
Unprofessional to assign important function in epg to help button!
i received many feedbacks by users to keep the customized usage of help button by TSmedia to see what downloaded in background through job manager
else simply by TSmedia/desktop/settings(yellow button)-e2 restart prevent this "hijack"

The HELP button in ViX has always been used to pull up a help screen showing users what certain buttons do across almost all screens, not just the EPG, it is unprofessional for a third party plugin to hijack buttons and features in this way.

30-04-15, 21:18
You can revert the usage of the Help button in Tsmedia's settings.

You can see this post for the EPG navigation options

Please also note:

I have looked in TSMedia>Tools>General settings but can not see a way to turn this off.

30-04-15, 21:29
Just uninstall TsMedia and all we be sorted!! [emoji87]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Rob van der Does
01-05-15, 05:44
Unprofessional to assign important function in epg to help button!

Not sure what you mean? In most screens the help-button is supposed to be doing what a help-button has been designed to do: to provide help. Especially in a screen that has many, many features, this can be very helpful.
1- No plugin should hijack this (or any other) functionality by default. This is especially the case for functionality that has nothing to do with that plugin.
After all: why would TS-Media want to use a button that is used in G-EPG (and many other functionality)?
Making it available at users choice would be a different matter.
2- Be aware that not all boxes have a help-button at all.

So this is absolute not unprofessional from our side.

01-05-15, 13:30
in most of enigma images help button has default function to give basic help and according to what said by thread starter this default function hijacked by vix for +24 epg,so vix did same action as tsmedia but at least it is reversible in tsmedia.
developers make plugins to all images according to default enigma aystem bu vix does not follow rules followed by other enigma images and this cause some kind of dysfuction in the plugin itslef or less likey as in our case in other image functions
as i said if this considered dysfunction from tsmedia settings you can reverse this eaaily.
also when convinced that plugin cause image dysduntion i fix it even this peculiar to vix and this happaned in many situations,so i am here to listen to the problems of vix with tsmedia
when user install tsmedia he does that to use download functionlity and more important to him to moniter progression of downloads by using help button instead of appearance of helpless help screen
i know you,phoenix and me are not normal users and the plugins not designed for us because we use box for developing not for enjoyment and watching movies or songs so be careful when develop thing fornthe box do not follow your needs from the box and be this is the major factor in success of tsmedia,it manages things according to normal user needs ,so i can understand if you or phoenix do not like tsmedia,i do not care becauae you are not my target

written from small mobile ,sorry for misspelling,i will fix from laptop later

01-05-15, 14:16
This is an interesting debate! I have experimented with TSMedia in the past, along with other IPTV plugins and have created my own IPTV bouquets. I do not use these plugins now, as IPTV generally is a bit cumbersome for my wife to navigate her way through.

I could not code my way out of a paper bag (think that is one of Sicilians' quotes!) however, surely it is possible (albeit difficult) to make button use context-sensitive i.e. if in TSMedia, then button assignment should come from TSMedia, reverting to the ViX image on exit?

If the Help button 'belongs' to the ViX image before TSMedia is opened, why can't it hand it back? Or am I being thick here? Does TSMedia permanently take over assignment of the Help button once installed?

In principle, I agree with the ViX team comments, but I know that there are a lot of people who use TSMedia, so I reckon that there must be the possibility of a fix from the TSMedia author in consultation with team ViX as to button assignment.

Will watch this space with interest!

Rob van der Does
01-05-15, 15:21
in most of enigma images help button has default function to give basic help and according to what said by thread starter this default function hijacked by vix for +24 epg,.....
That is not correct. Help (in ViX's G-EPG) brings up help as expected. Unless you install TS-Media that is .....
So I have no idea what you're talking about?

Edit: OK, I see you misinterpreted OP's posting. Anyway: my advice to you is to change the default assignment of the help-button in TS-media, by leaving it as=is, and give the user the option to change that deliberately to any function you deem useful.

abu baniaz
01-05-15, 15:25
People who want to install Mafraj's plugin are quite happy to do so. Please note what the plugin currently does with regards to the help buttton (if you have one). There is an option to undo this allocation of the button in the settings.

As the subject matter of the thread title has been resolved. I am closing this thread.

Rob van der Does
01-05-15, 17:18
Misunderstood statement: This default function hijacked by vix for +24 epg.
This is not the case, as the help-button just does "Help" (as it does in many other screens).

1- Add to extension lists (if not already there).
2- Do not take over usage of a button that is already assigned. But if you really must, ask user during installation for his permission.
3- As not all receivers have a help button (e.g. GigaBlue), you might consider another button to use. Perhaps long press of the button used to access recordings?

There is the button setup/hot key function and also MQB (although both are only applicable in the (movie)infobar. People should always be able to select what to assign instead of a plugin just taking over.

Same concern applies to the screenshot plugin. Appreciate user can select button, but in ViX the text-button is used in many screens to invoke the on-screen keyboard.

I re-opened the thread for people to add their thoughts on this (although indeed OP's original issue should heve been resolved).

01-05-15, 18:30
I am the OP and I originally could not find the +/- 24hr function and this has now been resolved by someone telling me how to access it.
I still have a problem though - I do not wish to un-install TSMedia but I do wish to revert the HELP button back to it being the VIx HELP (I need all the help I can get). I can't seem to find a way to disable this within TSMedia - can someone advise ?

For what it's worth I think it's totaly wrong that a button is taken over by a plugin that I'm not using - it should only become a TSM button when I'm using TSM.

01-05-15, 19:17
agree with Rob in second and third points
regarding screenshot plugin it is disabled by default and when user activates there other buttons than text to assign for taking screenshot
value of using help button when exit from tsmedia to see current downloads by image jobs manager
again to disable this
tsmedia desktop yellow button first option change to not assigned
save and restart e2