View Full Version : VU+ Player HD - Unable to view live TV

28-04-15, 11:57
Hi all,

Very new to the world of Vu so any help would be appreciated. I'm currently trying to set up streaming within my home network on iPhone, iPad and Mac.

Mac is working fine, I can stream using webIf in conjunction with VLC.

I have downloaded VU+ Player and VU+ Player HD for the iPhone and the iPad.

With VU+ Player HD I cannot view any live TV but anything recorded to disk is fine.

With VU+ Player I can see some live TV but the bouquets are not the same as on the receiver itself.

All assistance greatly appreciated!

28-04-15, 12:47
which vu+ box are you using? i may be wrong but i believe only the newer boxes with transcoding work with the app.

i have the app working on my iphone 6 with my Duo2 so i can access remotely and watch live tv.

your settings are obviously fine as you can access the box for recordings etc.
i think the older version of the app (no HD) which you have downloaded works with the older boxes

28-04-15, 12:53
Thanks - I, too, have a Duo2 box.

29-04-15, 09:43
I have found both these apps to be very buggy, the Android version is far more reliable, but they do work. My only suggestion would be to check you have the correct ports open in your router, and also the address should have the correct port you use for your duo2 i.e.: (192.XXX.1.106:12000). The fact than you can view via Webif would indicate that you have your settings correct. You could try using an IP host name from www.noip.com, this is what I use and may work for you.

29-04-15, 13:35
I bought blackbox pro from the App store and it is working perfectly. Shame the VU apps were not up to task.