View Full Version : Newer remote control for Solo2?

gerry b
23-04-15, 15:53
I just got a new Solo2. I've done all the tests suggested around a year ago to check if it's a clone ie the packaging box, the rear of the machine, the origin of the mac address; my brand new machine looks and feels like the real deal (especially when placed side by side with my older one).

I cannot check inside as it would break the warranty.

But the second I picked up the remote control I noticed a difference. This also looks as it should but the back doesn't have the smooth, glossy feel of my first one bought two years ago.

My question therefore is has the remote control changed or is this a clone giveaway?

And is there anything else I can do to check authenticity?

john doe
23-04-15, 16:06
remember the remote get warn down from use over time, therefore new remotes feel different. for example i have a solo2, which ive had for over a year and recently bought a zero and the zero remote feels much smoother and the button harder compared with my older remote.

gerry b
23-04-15, 16:14
remember the remote get warn down from use over time, therefore new remotes feel different. for example i have a solo2, which ive had for over a year and recently bought a zero and the zero remote feels much smoother and the button harder compared with my older remote.

Thanks for that.

The actual material is different. My original is glossy to touch and feel; it's the newer one that feels worn down if anything if that makes sense.

It is rough to hold and feels plasticky, the first one never felt like that.

The material of the older one is uniform in look and texture - front and back; the newer one isn't (only the front looks like my original one).

23-04-15, 16:35
Where did you buy solo2 from

23-04-15, 16:35
Who said you can't take the lid off? If there is a warranty sticker on it that would make me nervous as the sponsor and a couple of either large suppliers don't sell them with warranty stickers as you need to gain access to add a hdd...

gerry b
23-04-15, 16:50
Who said you can't take the lid off? If there is a warranty sticker on it that would make me nervous as the sponsor and a couple of either large suppliers don't sell them with warranty stickers as you need to gain access to add a hdd...

The hard drive was installed by the seller.

23-04-15, 16:57
whats the answer to #4?

gerry b
23-04-15, 17:00
I'm not going to name them unless it is a confirmed clone.

I suppose what I need most is for somebody experienced to say that the remote controls have not changed at all.

23-04-15, 17:17
It may be that other people on here have also bought from same place and confirmed as a clone they would be able to confirm this for you

23-04-15, 17:31
The place where you bought it from will help with deciding if it is a clone or not. Also check if there are any V.2 or something similar stickers on it. A serial connector in the box is a surefire way to say it's a clone too.

23-04-15, 17:33
You have a sunray clone mate..plain and simple..does it have sunray on the remote?

23-04-15, 17:44
You have a sunray clone mate..plain and simple..does it have sunray on the remote?

If it's a sunray clone, it'll have a serial port next to the ethernet port. Originals don't have that.

john doe
23-04-15, 17:57
I'm not going to name them unless it is a confirmed clone.

I suppose what I need most is for somebody experienced to say that the remote controls have not changed at all.

why mention it then! we dont know if its a clone, just by what you say, naming the people who sell clone helps other people for the future. once stung twice shy

23-04-15, 18:14
Pictures of my Solo2 Remote, front of it is glossy, not the back as you might see on pictures.

23-04-15, 18:15
why mention it then! we dont know if its a clone, just by what you say, naming the people who sell clone helps other people for the future. once stung twice shy
Well said m8 I got stung a few years ago learnt the hard way and never again WOS for me all the time.

23-04-15, 18:18
Pictures of my Solo2 Remote, front of it is glossy, not the back as you might see on pictures.

Looks like an original remote to me, I have 3 of them and all like that.

23-04-15, 18:24
Thanks Walt, I know it is, wanted to give gerry b something to compare his remote to

23-04-15, 18:43
Thanks Walt, I know it is, wanted to give gerry b something to compare his remote to

Yes mate, just confirming :)

23-04-15, 18:52
My remote looks same but is older. I guess if anyone can confirm if remotes have changed recently question answered I think

23-04-15, 20:12
I've bought two solo 2's from wos so no doubts about authenticity. I bought the first as soon as it was released, and the second earlier this year.
The remotes have changed, albeit very slightly.
The newer one has a different battery enclosure cover from memory (can't check at the minute) and the feel is slightly different. Looks wise, the same.

gerry b
23-04-15, 21:24
why mention it then! we dont know if its a clone, just by what you say, naming the people who sell clone helps other people for the future. once stung twice shy

Why mention what? The purpose of my query was to ascertain whether the Solo2 remote has changed or not and find out whether there were other checks I could perform. Not to name and shame (unless it turned out to be a clone).
If I put a name to the thread then people would just remember it as a thread about a clone and associate the shop dealer's name with that.

Pictures of my Solo2 Remote, front of it is glossy, not the back as you might see on pictures.

Perfect mate, very very helpful. My first remote is definitely glossy at the back. The newer remote feels cheap in comparison but you have confirmed that it is the genuine remote so thank you for that.

So too, btw, has the dealer. He actually can't remember an earlier remote either but I assure you all that there is a very definite difference. I offered to drive to his shop and show him.

I've bought two solo 2's from wos so no doubts about authenticity. I bought the first as soon as it was released, and the second earlier this year.
The remotes have changed, albeit very slightly.
The newer one has a different battery enclosure cover from memory (can't check at the minute) and the feel is slightly different. Looks wise, the same.

That confirms it. Thank you. Not just the battery enclosure though, the whole back. In the earlier version the remote was glossy all over as opposed to just the front on the newer version. I cannot use the newer one :)

In the meantime the dealer has also said that opening the box is not a problem - and that he himself broke the seal to install my hard drive (I hadn't noticed it was broken). Having spoken with him I am 100% reassured that the box is genuine (and hope he never reads this as I'm slightly embarrassed and this is the perfect reason why I didn't name the shop).

23-04-15, 21:47
In the meantime the dealer has also said that opening the box is not a problem - and that he himself broke the seal to install my hard drive (I hadn't noticed it was broken). Having spoken with him I am 100% reassured that the box is genuine (and hope he never reads this as I'm slightly embarrassed and this is the perfect reason why I didn't name the shop).

If you had named the shop and they sell genuine only, then people on here would know anyway. Was just to find out if it was a known dodgy retailer to inform you.

gerry b
23-04-15, 21:49
And for the record the older one is at the bottom


As you can see the flash hit slap bang in the middle of the two so should give a major indication of why I was concerned.

gerry b
23-04-15, 21:51
If you had named the shop and they sell genuine only, then people on here would know anyway. Was just to find out if it was a known dodgy retailer to inform you.

I appreciate that; I'm new here so I hope that makes sense.

The threads are viewable to non-members and also show up in Google = another reason I didn't want to name.

I just didn't think it fair to name the shop just in case.

Anyway, all's well that ends well and I can now enjoy my box(es)!

24-04-15, 06:00
@gerryb, dealer broke what seal exactly??

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

24-04-15, 08:23
There is no such thing as a warranty seal to break on this or any other enigma2 based receiver, they are designed so that the user can take the lid off to fit a HDD. forget about the remote, the warranty seal rings alarm bells for me as far as this receivers authenticity goes.

gerry b
24-04-15, 10:52
There is no such thing as a warranty seal to break on this or any other enigma2 based receiver, they are designed so that the user can take the lid off to fit a HDD. forget about the remote, the warranty seal rings alarm bells for me as far as this receivers authenticity goes.

The receiver passes every single authenticity check, inside, outside and online.

It has been running the very latest OpenPLI image and I'm about to load up the very latest Blackhole image

The remote control and the seal - and therefore the inside - were my areas of concern.

The remote control concern and fears over the inside of the machine have proven unfounded.

The seller has told me that no warranty will be breached by opening the box.

I have also read of many dealers who install HDDs when bought (many do it as a convenience for the customer, not to hide anything).

My question is this. They have gone to the trouble of selling a clone which is an exact replica down to every minute detail but they flag up that it might be a clone by putting on a warranty seal which was broken anyway? That doesn't really make sense to me :)

24-04-15, 10:57
Vu+ do not put warranty seals on their boxes as they are intended to be taken apart to install a HDD, I have 5 different Vu+ receivers and none has ever come with a warranty seal. If there is a warranty seal the seller likely placed it there his self so that he can refuse to honor the warranty if you remove the lid. as for the online checks they are worthless and were broken some two years ago.

gerry b
24-04-15, 11:09
Vu+ do not put warranty seals on their boxes as they are intended to be taken apart to install a HDD, I have 5 different Vu+ receivers and none has ever come with a warranty seal. If there is a warranty seal the seller likely placed it there his self so that he can refuse to honor the warranty if you remove the lid. as for the online checks they are worthless and were broken some two years ago.

As I said, the seal was broken by the seller so that makes no sense.

I have read on some forums of similar on machines that are genuine.

And, most importantly, it's running the latest images...

24-04-15, 11:13
What seal? Can you take a PIC & add it to this thread?

24-04-15, 11:14
As I have said I have never seen a Vu+ receiver with a warranty sticker, as for running latest images thats neither here nor there. there are multiple ways to tell if a receiver is a clone but you seem transfixed on the remote and this mythical warranty sticker.

end if the day if you are happy leave it at that, but I would still be wary my self.

gerry b
24-04-15, 11:20
As I have said I have never seen a Vu+ receiver with a warranty sticker, as for running latest images thats neither here nor there. there are multiple ways to tell if a receiver is a clone but you seem transfixed on the remote and this mythical warranty sticker.

end if the day if you are happy leave it at that, but I would still be wary my self.

Are you even reading my posts and the rest of the thread :confused:

The remote control ceased to be an issue yesterday.

You may not have ever seen a warranty sticker (mythical?). Others have.

I have asked for the ways to tell if a receiver is a clone - what other ways are there to tell other than all the ones that you find all over the internet and officially from VU+ themselves?

Clones do not run the latest images - or are you saying that's no longer the case?

24-04-15, 11:22
Out of curiosity what price did you pay for the Vu+ Solo2 receiver?

gerry b
24-04-15, 11:25
Out of curiosity what price did you pay for the Vu+ Solo2 receiver?

Full price :)

24-04-15, 11:27
Full price :)
Can you stop being so vague if you actually want support?
Also, not buying a box off someone you don't trust might help you & your paranoia.

24-04-15, 11:31
I know of peeps who have been stung with what they thought was a genuine receiver running the latest image. That maybe the case but further images down the line you won't be able to install the latest images. To say that you paid the full price, and the grey area with these boxes (being a lot of clones about) I would always use WoS, as they only deal in genuine receivers. Everyone is to their own though and I guess only time will tell with yours if it a genuine one or a cloney!! I hope its not the latter in your case, fingers x'd. :thumbsup:

gerry b
24-04-15, 11:32
Can you stop being so vague if you actually want support?
Also, not buying a box off someone you don't trust might help you & your paranoia.


I know how much a Solo2 costs.

gerry b
24-04-15, 11:33
I know of peeps who have been stung with what they thought was a genuine receiver running the latest image. That maybe the case but further images down the line you won't be able to install the latest images. To say that you paid the full price, and the grey area with these boxes (being a lot of clones about) I would always use WoS, as they only deal in genuine receivers. Everyone is to their own though and I guess only time will tell with yours if it a genuine one or a cloney!! I hope its not the latter in your case, fingers x'd. :thumbsup:

Thank you for that.

24-04-15, 11:48
At the end of the day you asked us to help you ascertain if the receiver was a clone or not but you are being intentionally vague about almost all aspects of the receiver so we can not really help you. as for the warranty sticker again all I can say is that none of my original receivers (all of which have come direct from Vu+ them selves with no thrid party seller in the middle) have ever come with a warranty sticker, I find the fact you have one very suspicious but as you are unwilling to go any deeper into it I will leave it at that.

gerry b
24-04-15, 12:35
At the end of the day you asked us to help you ascertain if the receiver was a clone or not but you are being intentionally vague about almost all aspects of the receiver so we can not really help you. as for the warranty sticker again all I can say is that none of my original receivers (all of which have come direct from Vu+ them selves with no thrid party seller in the middle) have ever come with a warranty sticker, I find the fact you have one very suspicious but as you are unwilling to go any deeper into it I will leave it at that.

I can't actually see what I'm being vague about :confused:

If you read my very first post it was the remote control and the inside of the machine that I needed closure on - in all other respects I was happy it is an original. The remote control issue has been resolved and the inside of the machine has been checked.

You said I was fixating on the warranty sticker. It is you who is doing that!!!

You suggest there are other checks to run apart from all the usual ones. Yet you won't reveal what they are - who's being vague? :confused:

Thanks to everyone here for their help.

I am fully satisfied that I have an original receiver.

john doe
24-04-15, 19:00
Can you stop being so vague if you actually want support?
Also, not buying a box off someone you don't trust might help you & your paranoia.

well said Judge

24-04-15, 19:08
No genuine VU+ comes with any kind of warranty seal. Please post a photo of it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

24-04-15, 23:54
As this appears to be a riddle thread, I'll post my riddle here too:

One is a clone remote, the other one is genuine.

25-04-15, 11:51
Looking at my remote I would say the top one is from a clone

25-04-15, 12:30
Looking at my Solo2 remote (purchased from WOS) that i recently bought to replace my faulty Duo2 remote i would say the Bottom one is the Clone :confused:

25-04-15, 13:00
At a guess,bottom remote colours aint to clever,red button looks more like pink but could of faded in sunlight

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

25-04-15, 13:24
The "volume" and "channel" lettering looks clearer on the botton one. I think the top one is the clone.

25-04-15, 15:39
On my solo2 remote the colours are brighter so I think top one is real

25-04-15, 16:18
The top one is that of a clone.

I've got all three Vu+ remotes:
Vu+ Ultimo flip-over (Normal remote on one side, full keyboard on the other side)
I didn't give it away when I sold my Ultimo :)
Vu+ rubbish one (The ones on the picture)
When my DuoČ was bought, it was shipped with this rubbish remote and there was a voucher for the good one to come.
Vu+ DuoČ new generation
... from the voucher ...

My clone rubbish remotes are from true SoloČ clones (Both Lonrisun).

You can easily tell which one is the clone one by pressing the "Ok" button:
It makes a clicking noise due to two screws missing inside the clone remote.
It can be repaired by adding these two missing screws however, so it's not a proof that it's not a clone if there is no clicking noise.

It's easy to spot a clone SoloČ by looking at its back, but as the original poster doesn't tell us anything I'm sure he prefers to wait for a brick to be sure it was a clone :)

25-04-15, 16:24
:I am fully satisfied that I have an original receiver.:Good end it then

25-04-15, 16:27
Oh, I might have to add:
There are clones of the Vu+ DuoČ new generation remote as well.
You know it's a clone if it drains batteries within one week.

SoloČ backside:
Sunray: no fan on the back (Sunrays get freakin' hot)
Lonrisin: no "Made in Korea" on the back
Original: "Made in Korea" and fan.

There are more differences but the ones above are the easiest to spot.

25-04-15, 17:01
Based on my recommendations, the following original Vu+ boxes have been bought:
- Two Vu+ DuoČ
- Two Vu+ SoloČ
- Two Vu+ Zero
and there are more to come.
I own an original Vu+ DuoČ myself as well.

Also Vu+ receivers receive my work on the OpenATV image which wouldn't be possible if I didn't have a secondary and tertiary box.
I have absolutely zero guilty conscience for buying two clones as secondary and tertiary box rather than the overpriced original SoloČ.
If there weren't clones, I would just have bought Edision Optimuss OS2+ or OS1+ boxes, so Vu+ hasn't lost a penny.

Vu+ is free to send me test/development boxes, then I can dump the clones.
As long as the makers of E2 boxes just assemble generic parts and get 99% of all software development done by free volunteers, you will never see me on the "Uh, see those evil clone makers! Buy genuine!" side.
All their work is limited to designing a front and compile artificially box dependent drivers with H/W check which in turn taint the Linux license!
You can buy TV cards for PCs using the same chipsets which run on generic drivers not tainting the kernel license.

As long as "genuine" makers taint licenses and scratch the point of being GPL violators, I give a flying f...
I adhere to forum rules if they say not to support clones, but I won't stop expressing my own opinion (w/o giving support of course).

Just my 2 cents.

25-04-15, 17:52
Regardless of your opinion towards clones this forum nor the ViX image offer any support for clones end of story.