View Full Version : [MB Premium Twin HD] Timezone setting keeps being set to a (slighly) incorrect value

22-04-15, 03:11
The menu-driven timezone setting uses what look like MS Windows tags for timezones, so I end up in "Dublin, London, ...."
As a result the setting I get is for Dublin:

root@mbtwin:/media/usb/backup# ls -l /etc/localtime
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 33 Apr 22 01:30 /etc/localtime -> /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Dublinwhich means that I'm now seeing my timezone as IST. But since I'm in the UK it should be BST.
I've reset the link manually, but something on the box just keeps resetting it to the wrong value.
Does anyone have any idea what that something is? And how I can stop it?

22-04-15, 10:44
Some timezone stuff was changed recently, will take a look, ta

23-04-15, 00:28
I don't mind it being set "wrongly" from the menus. As long as I can stop whatever it is resetting it all the time!

24-04-15, 18:51
It seems that /etc/timezone.xml defines a list of GMT±n descriptions and denotes a relative pathname to handle each one.
It does manage to separate Casablanca and Monrovia from Dublin, Lisbon and London, but that is wrong.

Casablanca and Monrovia are not the same - they aren't currently on the same time (looks like Monrovia has no DLST),
and Dublin, Lisbon and London all use different timezone tags - at least in the summer.

root@mbtwin:/etc# for tz in Africa/Casablanca Africa/Monrovia Europe/Dublin Europe/Lisbon Europe/London; do printf "%18s " "$tz:"; TZ=$tz date; done
Africa/Casablanca: Fri Apr 24 18:49:08 WEST 2015
Africa/Monrovia: Fri Apr 24 17:49:08 GMT 2015
Europe/Dublin: Fri Apr 24 18:49:08 IST 2015
Europe/Lisbon: Fri Apr 24 18:49:08 WEST 2015
Europe/London: Fri Apr 24 18:49:08 BST 2015So temporarily I can edit my timezone.xml file to set Europe/London for me.

25-04-15, 12:33
Attached is a patch (for Components/Timezones.py) to add all of the possible timezone settings (Unix-style) to the settings menu. The current (incorrect) Windows-style setting tags are left there as well.

It can take a while to get through all of the entries, but at least you'll be able to set the right one (and you only do it once).


03-05-15, 00:43
Some timezone stuff was changed recently, will take a look, ta/etc/timezone.xml (a symlink to /etc/tuxbox/timezone.xml) is no longer used, but both are still present in Hades.

It now seems to use /usr/share/enigma2/timezone.xml