View Full Version : Creating Swapfile (am I doing something wrog) Vix1.3

10-12-10, 15:03

I can't seem to get my swpafile to be created correctly.

I go into ViX Menu.
Select Swap Manager
Press Green (I Presume this is the Create Swapfile as it has no text next to it)
Menu POP's Up
1) USB Disk
2 Harddisk
3) USB Stick

I select USB Stick

I select my Swap File Size (have tried them all by currently trying 96Mb)
Screen goes back to the Swap Manager Screen
Wait a while
Get Message on screen saying Swap File successfully created.
Press OK
Telnet to box, and confirm I have a file on USB Stick in /media/usb

98404 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 100663296 Dec 10 13:57 swapfile

Now I'm back in the Swap Manager part but Swap Place, Swap Size is has nothing next to it.
Status is Inactive

If I press Red to Activate, I get an Error saying
"Swap File not found. You have to create the file before to activate.

Have I missed a stage out in saying where the swapfile should be?

10-12-10, 15:30
Try in device manager first to format the USB stick....Also i have mounted my usb stick to /media/usb if that helps.

10-12-10, 15:40
Thanks I think I'll have to try the wipe of it.

Yes I already have mine mounted as /media/usb

Now just to backup all the rest of the stuff on the stick... :(

10-12-10, 15:53
just do:

mkdir /media/hdd/usb_back
cp -r /media/usb/* /media/

Once reformatted, then do:

cp -r /media/hdd/usb_back/* /media/usb
rm -r /media/hdd/usb_back

10-12-10, 16:14
Will give that ago now.
Currently at work, and I've just re-booted box and can't get back on via telnet now, so no idea what it's doing. :(

10-12-10, 16:21
Will give that ago now.
Currently at work, and I've just re-booted box and can't get back on via telnet now, so no idea what it's doing. :(

Might just need a couple of minutes to restart...

But would recommend waiting until you're at home to check it copied everything properly...

10-12-10, 16:26
Whoops it was my ISA Server at work had gone down.
Right so what's the best way to format the USB Stick.

It's going to be used for SWAP and Timeshift and PICONS.

10-12-10, 16:27
Not too worried if anything gets lost.
I've got a backup on my laptop.

It's just the PICONS to be honest.

10-12-10, 17:02
I give up.

Formatted stick, created new Swapfile etc and still getting the same.

10-12-10, 17:16
I give up.

Formatted stick, created new Swapfile etc and still getting the same.

did you repartition the stick ?, if your stick was fat32 then just a format will not do, you have to repartition it.

10-12-10, 17:31
It was formatted in EXT3.

Still is in EXT3, but I just can't seem to get the Swapfile to be seen?
I think I'll have to have a go again when I can be sat infront of the box to see what is flashing up on the screen. in case I'm missing any messages.
Working from Telnet and the WEB Interface I'm probably missing something.

I see the Wait Please while creating swapfile...

The process creates the swapfile on the usb stick fine, it's just I can't seem to see it in the swap manager, and thus activate it.

10-12-10, 17:42
Here is the screenie.

And here is what I have on the USB Stick.

root@bm750:/media/usb# ls -lsa
4 drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Dec 10 16:28 .
0 drwxr-xr-x 12 root root 0 Jan 1 2000 ..
6948 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7098831 Dec 10 16:03 epg.dat
16 drwx------ 2 root root 16384 Dec 10 15:31 lost+found
460 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 466944 Dec 10 16:04 picon
98404 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 100663296 Dec 10 16:30 swapfile
4 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Dec 10 16:23 timeshift
4 drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jan 1 2000 usr

Mounted as

root@bm750:/media/usb# mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
/dev/root on / type jffs2 (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)
udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw)
/dev/sda1 on /media/hdd type ext3 (rw,data=ordered)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw)
usbdevfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)
/dev/mtdblock2 on /boot type jffs2 (ro)
tmpfs on /var type tmpfs (rw)
tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)
/dev/sdb1 on /media/usb type ext3 (rw,data=ordered)
automount(pid1014) on /autofs type autofs (rw,fd=4,pgrp=1014,timeout=1,minproto=2,maxproto=4 ,indirect)

11-12-10, 02:37
Got it all working in the end but I now seem to have 2 USB Sticks listed 1 HDD and a USB Disk?

11-12-10, 02:38
thats becasue the box has partitioned them into 2gb chunks i'm guessing they are fat32 chunks

there is a way to fix this but it means formatting the drive and with how hard the swap was in the first place not sure if its a good idea

11-12-10, 02:43
I don't understand why it's gone to FAT though.
It has always been EXT3 and after reformatting and repartitioning it it's still reporting as EXT3

root@bm750:~# mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
/dev/root on / type jffs2 (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)
udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw)
/dev/sda1 on /media/hdd type ext3 (rw,data=ordered)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw)
usbdevfs on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)
/dev/mtdblock2 on /boot type jffs2 (ro)
tmpfs on /var type tmpfs (rw)
tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw)
tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)
automount(pid1007) on /autofs type autofs (rw,fd=4,pgrp=1007,timeout=1,minproto=2,maxproto=4 ,indirect)
/dev/sdb1 on /media/usb type ext3 (rw,data=ordered)

11-12-10, 03:15
ok change your usb from sbd1 to /media/usb

it seems its in ext3 by the looks of it

11-12-10, 04:11
i think i have found out y u guys cant create a swap some thing important that was forgotten

you must go to Menu, Setup,VIX Menu, Device Manager.

Press Red [mountpoints] and set it to


11-12-10, 06:32
one ,ore thing here is a quick post on what and why a swap is good

"Swap" memory is a section of the hard drive or USB that your system's memory spills over into when it gets full and busy

11-12-10, 14:39
I think I've done all the steps required.

But I just seem to have too many devices listed.
I started again from the start.

Removed the USB Stick.
Put it in the Top Slot Appeared as /media/sdb1

I went to the Devices managed created the mount as /media/usb

Then Formatted and Partitioned
Went to VIX Swap Manger
Created SWAP.

But in there I still have 4 Devices to choose from.

It works now anyway, so I'm not too bothered.
PICONS, PTS, EPG, and SWAP all working and are on /media/sdb1 (mounted as /media/usb)

So I'm happy again.

11-12-10, 21:31

What are the requirements for a swap file to be created and used?

I haven't added a drive to the as-bought VU+ Duo, so can I create a swap file within the unit?
I don't really want to make a swap file on a USB disk, partly because I don't know what specs a USB disk needs to have for such a purpose.

Whenever I go into any of the menus mentioned in this topic, they are empty and nothing seems to happen when I try the options.

Thank you,

11-12-10, 22:00
A swap is for your internal memory spill so a swap on internal cant happen as its too small for it and is pointless as it there to ease load off internal memory

USB or HDD you can create a swap on a standard 1gb usb is fine for swap

11-12-10, 23:36
Thanks, Silverfox.

I suppose I am familiar with the 'swap file' concept and its location within Windows, whilst this sounds a little different.

Is a 'HDD' an extra drive? ie when I bought my Duo there was an option of fitting it with a drive, but I didn't go for that. So presumably I don't have a 'HDD'?

If that's the case, I might try to get a swap file working on a USB disk.
Should I expect significant performance improvements by doing so?

Presumably we would always want to use the option to start the swap file when the receiver starts up. Why would we not want to do that? Is it in case the USB disk isn't in place all the time?

Does it matter which USB slot is used for the USB disk for swap file purposes?

Can the USB disk be used for any other purpose in the receiver whilst it is providing a swap file? (assuming it has spare capacity)

Thanks again,

12-12-10, 00:26
the HDD is for recording and you can fit one in afterwards i did so on mine

the swap will give improvements as it will save from too many green screens due to memory shortage

the swap can be set to autostart and will need to stay connected to box

the spare capasity can be used for other things i use mine for epg data and picons and i put some recodings on it as i have a large usb

12-12-10, 00:29
okay, thanks again, Silverfox.

I've put a USB disk into the front USB slot.
Device Manager shows:
Size: 1959MB
Device: /dev/sda1
Mount: /media/hdd
Type: 6 FAT16

I formated the disk in Device Manager then used Swap Manager to make a swap file on it.
However the maximum size in the options was only 96MB
Is that going to make much of a difference?

12-12-10, 00:30
96mb is the max swap size and very much efficiant but you will need to change the mount point to /media/usb not media/hdd

12-12-10, 00:34
ok, thanks, I'll do that.

I haven't actually seen many green screens, certainly not on a regular basis, so maybe I don't need to use a swap file anyway?

12-12-10, 00:35
the green screens where bad in 1.2 vix but fixed in 1.3 but we still recommend a swap just incase its needed

12-12-10, 00:37
ok, thanks.
Does a swap file help avoid the 'rotating ViX logo' as well?

12-12-10, 00:39
the spinner is there like windows hourglass it indicates to you that your box is working and not frozen its not because the box is slowing down

12-12-10, 00:41
ok thanks, I see.
Thanks for your help and advice, Silverfox. I see you're in full supporting mode tonight.
I for one can give you some rest now.


12-12-10, 00:42
Thanks lee i am always on full support mode

you take care ;)

12-12-10, 00:46
oh just to add,
The 'default skin' and '750S' skins don't show Device Manager properly. Not for me, anyway.
I don't know if you guys are aware of that.

12-12-10, 00:59
will have a look at that mate

18-12-10, 05:58
I've abandoned trying to use a USB swap file, because for me it seems to make the receiver hang/stall when booting up from powered off.
If the only significant benefit of using a swap file is to avoid 'green screens', I don't get any of those anyway.


18-12-10, 11:48
I've abandoned trying to use a USB swap file, because for me it seems to make the receiver hang/stall when booting up from powered off.
If the only significant benefit of using a swap file is to avoid 'green screens', I don't get any of those anyway.


if your only using one epg data (ie 28.2) you should be fine with no swap, i took great pains in recoding everything for vix 1.3 to be less memory hungry than vix 1.2 was

19-12-10, 05:46
ok, thanks Andy.
My EPG could actually get quite big because I have access to four satellites and their various packages. However I have yet to fully understand or get the EPG functions to work properly.

Are you aware of the problem I mentioned with a USB swap file causing the receiver to hang/stall on boot up? I have no idea if it's disk-brand specific. I have tried 2 USB disks but they are both Maxell disks.

I suppose I could try disabling 'start swap file on start up' and start it manually every time I boot the receiver, so I might have to do that if I get green screens without a swap file.


20-12-10, 18:12
ok, thanks Andy.
My EPG could actually get quite big because I have access to four satellites and their various packages. However I have yet to fully understand or get the EPG functions to work properly.

Are you aware of the problem I mentioned with a USB swap file causing the receiver to hang/stall on boot up? I have no idea if it's disk-brand specific. I have tried 2 USB disks but they are both Maxell disks.

I suppose I could try disabling 'start swap file on start up' and start it manually every time I boot the receiver, so I might have to do that if I get green screens without a swap file.


if you read this (http://www.vuplus-support.co.uk/showthread.php?4657-Random-GUI-freezes.) thread you will understand why this happens, it al down to you flash drives' speed