View Full Version : GB Quad crashing

18-04-15, 19:39
Openvixhd: Build 024

new drivers
quite a number of kernel edits.
zoomzoomlukes xml added to abm.
various other plugins updated.
skin tweaks.
software update 90% fixed (ta andy), you can update through gui but cannot view the changelog, thats it, will fix again.

fresh flash please.

i have just invested in a gb hd quad plus, and im liking it so far, the image I have is the lastest Apollo 166 but im getting a lot of crash screens, I will be staying with vix as its my fav image, but was going to try the above, how is the image stable wise and has the bugs been ironed out,

18-04-15, 20:20
the image I have is the lastest Apollo 166 but im getting a lot of crash screens

You shouldn't be getting lots of crash's, but without crash logs, it's impossible to tell what the issue may be.

18-04-15, 20:43
Its not realy lots of crash but a lot more than i had on apollo 15 ( which was none) im just wondering if the vix experimental would be ok, im going to set it up from scratch using the above rossi image then vix apollo, and atv ill post back ups of all, i will also post crash logs

Sent from my HTC One

18-04-15, 20:56
You shouldn't be getting lots of crash's, but without crash logs, it's impossible to tell what the issue may be.

crash logs

18-04-15, 21:52
from which build did you upgrade to build 166 and how did you do that?

18-04-15, 21:56
I bought the box from here it came with 166 installed i set it up same as i do for with all my boxes done a back up and then had a play thats the crash logs i got above i have now flashed atv so ill set that up and back it up before i put vix back on

Sent from my HTC One

abu baniaz
18-04-15, 23:07
I have moved the posts here.

Some of your crashes are are with KodiDirect and TSMedia. Please enure you are using latest version of plugins.

18-04-15, 23:19
Yes most are kodi/tsmedia, iv had a few with time shift and epg if my memory is correct, mostly it will hang on the spinner and i reboot myself, iv got atv on it just now but ill do a clean flash in the morning with apollo latest and see how that is

Sent from my HTC One

29-04-15, 18:07
I have tryed a diffrent images and box is not geting a crash screen, but its just froze with spinner going thats happened a couple of time without me touching anything

Sent from my HTC One

30-04-15, 15:56
from which build did you upgrade to build 166 and how did you do that?

hi mate, I seem to be having a problem were the box just locks up I get the spinner at the top but is nonresponsive
I have to turn it of at the back I have read there are driver issues are there going to be any fix, until then is there an image you would recommend

abu baniaz
01-05-15, 00:14
@Casuk, theer was bootloader update for the Gigablues, did you install it?

01-05-15, 12:09
I dont think so i have only run downloaded images, atv,vix, and openmips all are doing the same, i just assumed the bootloader was included in the image

Sent from my HTC One

Mr. Mister
01-05-15, 12:42
I have not installed any new boot loader on my Quad plus and it runs like a sweet..
Although in saying that.. im not a believer in running Kodi or TSMedia on any E2 boxes.. So i do not have it installed..
I believe if you want to run Kodi.. then get yourself a wee Androind box.. and save yourself alot of hassle..

01-05-15, 14:17
I have not installed any new boot loader on my Quad plus and it runs like a sweet..
Although in saying that.. im not a believer in running Kodi or TSMedia on any E2 boxes.. So i do not have it installed..
I believe if you want to run Kodi.. then get yourself a wee Androind box.. and save yourself alot of hassle..

all is working well except the freeze I get without doing anything, iv came back from the shop and it just sits on the spiner I have to reboot it through the mains, I downloaded the bootloader from here, put on usb and flashed it, It came up flashing in progress for about 10s then reboots, gigablue screen comes up then atv loading screen, is that correct way Id just flash vix again and that should be it

abu baniaz
01-05-15, 15:32
Best to upload debug logs again please.

01-05-15, 17:23
I dont get a crash i have to restart it, it just stays frozen i have to restart it at the mains, iv now updated the bootloader flashed vix 166 hopfully thats it

Sent from my HTC One

abu baniaz
01-05-15, 17:25
Debug logs and crash logs are different things.

01-05-15, 17:43
Alrite i didnt know that, i prob wont be able to get them now iv reflashed, ill keep a check and anything tha gos wrong ill post it

Sent from my HTC One

15-05-15, 09:37
That's the debugs

abu baniaz
17-05-15, 02:10
You have some teletext entries. On what services are you initiating teletext?

Your EPG data is corrupt. What is the exact setup? Please provide as much detail as possible.

Not sure why your receiver is crashing after a scan with the following at the end.

<214889.611551> PC: 004af1d0
<214889.611653> 00000000 00000001 00000011 00d99843
<214889.611694> 7fc92040 0064b250 00000011 02670d24
<214889.611730> e92b799e 7fc91ffc 00000000 e92b799e
<214889.611764> 006352b8 00635438 006355b8 00630000
<214889.611797> 00000002 0064b250 00000000 00654d20
<214889.611830> 005c4214 00650000 027af580 00654d20
<214889.611862> 0000000c 004af1d0 7fc9205c 00000000
<214889.611895> 00649450 7fc92020 00000001 004a2c90
<214889.611926> -------

17-05-15, 09:35
The teletex button is right above the blue button i have pressed it a few times by accident, epg set up is, download opentv providers 4am to usb, epg refresh starts at 4.10 to 8.30am

abu baniaz
18-05-15, 06:58
You only need EPG refresh to be on the transponder for two minutes.

Anyway, I think your USB stick is failing going by your other posts. You also have a swap file on the same device. Try without it for a few days.

Physical HDD is fine for EPG. EPG is kept in RAM, it is not read constantly.

18-05-15, 10:04
Ok i put epg on hdd and picons in flash and ditch the usb just now, i havent enabled a swap, and epg runs for 120s on pvr epg between the times of 4.10 and 8.30, iv flashed hades 08 image yesterday but its very buggy just now so ill go with another image untill its all fixed, i tryed to formatt usb there its saying its write protected its never done that before, i take it its broken

18-05-15, 10:44
iv flashed hades 08 image yesterday but its very buggy just now

Nope, something in your set-up is wrong.

18-05-15, 10:49
Im not the only one with these problems, im going to start from scratch again format hdd and not use a usb and ill run all images from scratch, and post results but im conviced its the hades image

18-05-15, 11:04
Debug reports