View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] YouTube tv freezes duo2

16-04-15, 18:17
Anytime I use YouTube tv and try to go back to normal TV channels my duo2 freezes and I have to reboot system.youtube tv works fine on other images like bh and vti.Im using 157 at the moment.
Any advice would be much appreciated.

16-04-15, 20:01
I've had that for a while - pretty much as long as I can remember on my duo2 so I just don't use youtube anymore on it

16-04-15, 20:38
I've had that for a while - pretty much as long as I can remember on my duo2 so I just don't use youtube anymore on it

But it works well on other images..

20-04-15, 22:10
If you are pressing the exit button whilst viewing the video then it freezes. You will first need to get out of a video by pressing the red button. Then if you press the exit button, it will exit the plugin properly without freezing.