View Full Version : Recommended Timer Padding ?

10-12-10, 10:18
We have found that quite a few recordings are being cut short or not starting in time while using the default setting of 3min's though too have read that conflicts will happen should we set timers on the same channel that begin one after another! Just thought i'd ask what was thought to be optimum setting for this if not the default ?

10-12-10, 10:34
If i want to record a program that is on straight after...i end up changing the padding manually when setting the timer...i.e. just change the start and times as required.

However you could also consider recording the programs from different channels. For instance there are many streams for BBC including HD feeds that show the same programs. You could record one on BBC1 and the other on BBC HD or where ever it suits.

10-12-10, 10:43
I only have the one tuner on my duo (as haven't got a second feed to it yet :p), and I just set a default padding of 3 minutes before and after. Had many recordings (on same channel/transponder) that works fine with that, and find that I don't miss recordings... Only problems I can see arising are when something runs late because of football for example...

10-12-10, 12:10
We have found that quite a few recordings are being cut short or not starting in time while using the default setting of 3min's though too have read that conflicts will happen should we set timers on the same channel that begin one after another! Just thought i'd ask what was thought to be optimum setting for this if not the default ?

I usually just edit the ending time to the end of the second program (plus 15 min) and have a single file with two programs. The start of the programs are marked in the file and you can go there with ">".