View Full Version : [TM-TWIN-OE] Lost Cross EPG

13-04-15, 19:18
Hello, after updating from 152 to 166 cross epg will no longer update.

Can anyone advise please


abu baniaz
13-04-15, 19:31
1. If you were below 155, you were meant to flash a newer image. Not update.

2a. Can you pecify what EPG data you are trying to download. There was change to the tuner logic.
2b. If you are using satellite based data (instead of online based)...
How many tuners have cables connected?
What is at the other end of these cables?
What is each tuner configured as?

13-04-15, 19:45
I have no problem with EPG via OpenTV/CrossEPG for 28.2 on a fresh flash of 166 with no restore of settings on my Solo2.

13-04-15, 19:51
Hi, it was not an update it was a full flash by USB
System is motorised and previously downloaded everything I could receive on all satellites
2 tuner cables connected with 2 tuners.
Tuner a set as positioner
Tuner b set as second lnb in motorised

All worked fine before the new flash

abu baniaz
13-04-15, 19:53
Thanks. Can you enable debug logs. Restart and then repeat process. Please attach the debug logs.

13-04-15, 20:06
sorry, you have lost me there? How do I enable the debug logs and what process do you wish me to repeat

abu baniaz
13-04-15, 20:17
Thank you.

Menu > Setup > System > Logs > Settings > Enable debug logs
Set this to yes. Restart the box to take effect. Repeat the EPG process. Details of what the receiver is trying to do ( hopefully why it is failing) will be recorded in the logs

Attach the logs to your post.

13-04-15, 20:46
I have got the log in txt format but cannot see hot to attach?

abu baniaz
13-04-15, 20:49

13-04-15, 20:55
Thanks for your help so far. I have to put my boy to sleep now, ill come back to the thread later with progress hopefully.

Thanks again

13-04-15, 21:15
I am not sure what I have done but I seem to have managed to upload data for 28e at least

13-04-15, 22:45
How are you importing EPG for 28E? OpenTV or XML. Post some screen grabs of your config.

15-04-15, 07:24
Cross egg not updating here also on tmtwin oe 166