View Full Version : [ViX_Misc] sudo not working, missing

12-04-15, 11:04
Seems that image does not have "sudo" installed.
When trying to use it, it gives error:

someuser@vuduo2:~$ sudo somecommand
-sh: sudo: not found

Also "opkg install sudo" gives failure:
Unknown package 'sudo'.
Collected errors:
* opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package sudo.

I would like to disable ssh root login, and use normal user instead. Sudo is needed to give root priviledges when needed.

I's it possible to add sudo package to repositories, so I could install it?

Background information: I'm trying to create personal fileserver (sftp) to public web and I wan't to disable root access.
However if I can't get sudo working, I need to keep root access enabled.

12-04-15, 12:32
I would like to disable ssh root login, and use normal user instead. Sudo is needed to give root priviledges when needed.

That can also be done with su. Instead of "sudo foo", you say "su -c foo". (If foo needs command parameters, surround it with quotation marks.)