View Full Version : Vix things

09-04-15, 19:22
Over the years have rotated between use of vix and openpli. From time to time things just annoy me about both images. So since I'm posting in the vix forum I will mention a few things that I consider software issues/enhancements

1/ crossepg: now in times past it has been mentioned that EPG seems to disappear. I have this problem most days. As people would advise you should not simply power off your box at night. This I do. So when I power up next day program guide is missing and I have to do a download of the program guide. Now here's the interesting thing. Openpli shows the program guide every time when I power up the system. And on vix all the program guide is available on all the FTA channels but there is nothing available on pay channels.So I consider this as a vix software fault.

2/ another issue with vix is when I select a recorded program and play it I get about 1 inch of a white fuzzy line going all across the bottom of the TV screen. When I go back to normal TV sometimes the line remains sometimes it doesn't. If I reboot problem disappears for a while. This issue is not an issue with openpli.

3/ as an improvement I would like to see the size of a recorded movie when viewing movie list. I have limited broadband so when I download a movie I like to see the size of it.

09-04-15, 19:48
1. With power off do you mean use the power switch or goto deep standby? Simply using the switch is a bad idea as Enigma2 store certain thing when you correctly power down the box.
2. do you use a TV with overscan? If you sometimes in the past used OSD postion with the wrong values you might get disturbances left/right/top/botton. Set OSD position to max and it should be away.
3. When you go onto a recorded movie you should see the size on the left side. Wher you see this information might depends on the skin you use. In my case Magic H Night shows the length on ghe left side.


09-04-15, 20:11
1/ all my gizmos (TV, ps3, surround sound, vu duo) are plugged into a surge protection box. The surge protection box is plugged into an electricity outlet with an on/off switch. So at nighttime I put all units into standby and then turn off the electricity outlet to the surge protection box that all units are plugged into. Now I know this is not recommended. That said on openpli the next day when I turn on the electricity supply outlet, assuming I use openpli, all channels populate the program guide. With vix only channels such as BBC and c4 have a full program guide. Channels such as sky movies, sky sports, rte, Dave (pay channels) have no program guide. Hence I believe this a vix fault
2/ TV does not use over scan. As said in previous post this is not an issue with openpli using the same TV settings
3/ skin I use is standard night HD skin from vix. I very much like this skin and would propose this as an improvement to the skin. I appreciate what you say that if I use a different skin all would be good. I just like the standard vix skin. This is an improvement I would make to it.

09-04-15, 20:22
Can not see how anything is vix fault..if you power off your box and dont manually update your epg data how can the epg be populated?
EPG data lasts 7 day normally but you can set up the epg data to download a a pre set time,most users do this over night
Everything you have mentioned are all user defined you need to set up the image how you want it..thats the whole point it is this way so the user can bejazzle it.

09-04-15, 20:38
These satellite receivers are mini computers at the end of the day n turning your box at the rocker switch ain't a good idea. How do you expect the channels/epg to populate while turned off and thus is not the fault of the ViX image at all.
If you have a set time you turn the gizmo's back on then you can set the schedules to run accordingly!!

09-04-15, 20:39
OK this is interesting. I downloaded pli-full-hd-night to replace vix-night-hd skin. So first up I can see the size of all downloaded movies. Fantastic. So next I put everything into standby and powered off everything. Then I powered on the system. So now I checked program guide. And yes its there for every channel. Then I went to my hard drive to play a movie and it opened without any line across the bottom of the TV screen. So as said the issue is not a vix issue, its a skin issue. The pli skin works perfectly. Thanks.

09-04-15, 20:51
I do IT as a profession myself so I know exactly what you say. However as a home user I really really don't want to spend time shutting down computers (vu duo) at night time. I want to be able to watch TV and turn it off when I don't want to watch it. Now most TVs are very intelligent these days (ie. Similar to computer systems). You can pull the plug on them without a longwinded shutdown procedure. I ask the same from my TV receiver

09-04-15, 21:54
With this point of view an e2 receiver is nothing for You because to be on the save side they must in DeepStandby.

A workaround might be the autosave festure for the epg Data. If You Set IT to 3 hours You should have epg in the morning.


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09-04-15, 22:13
All just my opinion 'trial'. I am most happy with my new pli skin that solves all the problems mentioned.. Very many thanks for the help

09-04-15, 22:23
Just worth mentioning that the so called Pli HD skin is it self based directly on the magic night HD by delagroov which is built specifically for ViX.

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11-04-15, 00:05
I do IT as a profession myself so I know exactly what you say.
Surely you know shutting anything down by power cut can't save anything stored in RAM so?

11-04-15, 20:25
Thanks for opinion. Not necessarily relevant. But thanks. Problems all solved. Program guide is backed up on EPG.DAT on hard drive. So yes it sits on ram but when box is rebooted data is not taken from ram