View Full Version : [VU+ Duo2] new to all this

09-04-15, 15:44
vu duo crashed , how to send a logfile to vixlogs ?? help please
woke up to have no channels on box and an error msg saying ; your receiver encountered a software problem, and needs to be restarted. Please send the logfile /tmp/enigma2_crash.log to vixlogs@worldofsatellite.com

anyone know what i have to do to reinstate the channels,anything will be much appreciated as i'm new to all this,Please help

09-04-15, 17:27
You do not say if the receiver is still working or not has it totally crashed, is it still working but no channels showing, do you have any backups saved to Hard Drive or a USB stick if you have just reinstall the saved image and that might bring your receiver back

abu baniaz
09-04-15, 17:31
I am closing this thread as it has nothing to do with a Duo2.