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View Full Version : HELP - Picons not showing

08-04-15, 11:38
Hi all :)

I'm new to this world of Enigma and Vu+ but I think I've read all possible manuals online including this http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?9736-How-to-setup-picons-onto-usb-stick-ViX but my picons still are not showing in the channel list nor in EPG. What am I doing wrong?

I followed the manual from the link above on version openvix-Apollo.163 and picons showed up in the channel list until I restared my vu+ duo2. Then the update openvix-Apollo.165 came out, which I installed and picons were not showing as well. I also tried putting picons in usr/share/enigma2/picon but this didn't change anything.

I can upload picons manually using dreamboxEDIT but it would take me ages to do it for all my favourite channels.

Or maybe there is an option in the settings to activate them, that I missed? I already activated them in EPG as in the link above but this didn't help.

I'm on astra 28.2 BSkyB (showing 28.4 in settings) - only free channels. I've downloaded few different picons for this satellite but maybe they are not compatible or something? Do you know any link with up to date picons?

Thanks for your help

john doe
08-04-15, 12:21
in the usb you should have a folder called picon and nothing else. all picon should be in that folder. also you need to mount the usb.

08-04-15, 15:39
or use picon manager to upload them.I just copy them from a directory on my PC to the box in root directory/picon.Takes only 2 minutes for 4500 picons.On a VU+ duo2 it is better to have them in root cause there is plenty of room there.

08-04-15, 19:20
I've tried using picon manager and also tried to upload them via connecting usb to my PC and then copy the files -> nothing worked. I also tried different picon packages for astra 28.2 -> no luck.

Here is the folder on my pendrive. Inside the dir 'picon' there are .png files:

Here are my settings on the box:

Why in my sat settings it says Astra 28.4E, not 28.2E (pic 1)? Does this have anythign to do with picons?

Is it possible that those picon packages don't match the satellite? They all were supposed to be for Astra 28.2E

abu baniaz
08-04-15, 19:52
Can you expand teh picon folder to show the contents of the USB drive please?
Which exact picon package did you install? Where from?
Please telnet this command and post back results please

find / -name picon

08-04-15, 20:35
Unzip the picons to a temp directory on your computer.

Get your thumb drive and plug it into your computer
Format it Fat 32
Create a directory on the thumb drive in the root called picon , ( lower case) (while still plugged into your computer)
Copy the picon.png files directly into that folder. (from your computer to the thumb drive)
Then plug it in the box and reboot.
That's all you need to do.

08-04-15, 20:56
Can you expand teh picon folder to show the contents of the USB drive please?
Which exact picon package did you install? Where from?
Please telnet this command and post back results please

find / -name picon

Here's the content of the picon folder on my USB:

I downloaded many packages and this one is the most recent:

Here's a screenshot of telnet:

Thanks for your help!

abu baniaz
08-04-15, 21:03
You have two picon folders. Delete the one in /usr/share/picon/ and then restart receiver.

08-04-15, 21:05
Can you tell me what box you are using.
The picons I'm using are the MK 400 x 240 (SNP) 31-03-2015 available in the ViX Images page at top of this page, Picon directory. You can also use the non converted ones as well

abu baniaz
08-04-15, 21:11
IMO, good idea to get the ones he has already to show first. He can experiment/change later.

08-04-15, 22:06
Can you tell me what box you are using.
The picons I'm using are the MK 400 x 240 (SNP) 31-03-2015 available in the ViX Images page at top of this page, Picon directory. You can also use the non converted ones as well

Box? you mean receiver? It's Vu+ duo2

Could you please send me a link to those picons you have?

OK. What I've done is to delete the /usr/share/picon/ as abu baniaz recommended. Nothing changed.
Then I copied picons with channel names (eg. itv.png, bbcnews.png, etc.) onto my usb - these are correctly shown now in the channel list and EPG. However they are not shown in the front display pannel, despite the fact that the setting is selected to show picons.
Then I copied the ones with names such as for example 1_0_0_14AB_7EF_2_11A0000_0_0_0.png, but my receiver doesn't see them at all. Not in the channel list nor EPG. Why?

abu baniaz
08-04-15, 22:22
Only one person has managed to get SNPicons to show on the LCD for a Duo2. There are two displays on the front. Good luck with the LCD, I dont think you will get SNPs to work. For the front display, you will have to change the skin settings.

I suspect the conventional picons you are using are very old/installing to a location you do not have. Try the ocram convetional ones on openvix.co.uk. They are ipks and will on root of internal memory.

08-04-15, 23:08
Only the conventional picons will show up on the front screen
The conventional ones have loads of numbers example 1_0_1_d345_e43_11A000_0_0_0 These will display on the front screen
The SNP ones have the name of the tv channel example bbcone.png These do not seem to display on front screens

http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php?dir=Picons/MK/Not%20converted/ link to the conventional picons

To display these on the front screen

menu / setup / system / Front Display Panel / LCD4Linux / Then press the blue button and scroll to picon set to screen1 the go down to picon path press ok and change the path to mnt / usb / picon and press save and exit.

If you look at the buttons at top of this page press ViX Images scroll down to picons the to MK / Not Converted

I am using the same receiver as you.

09-04-15, 14:25
I give up.

I donwloaded the zz_MK conventional (400x240_2015_03_27.rar and zz_MK conventional (220x132)_2015_03_27.rar picons as suggested but my vu+ only sees the a few SNP that are in these packages. The conventional are not visible.

Then I installed the ocram conventional 400x240 and 220x132_SHD as you can see below and still no luck.

What the heck is happening? I used to have those conventional picons on before I did a restart (as mentioned in the 1st post) but now I cannot get them to work.

I'll do a factory reset and install the image again. I'll get back to you with this.


abu baniaz
09-04-15, 14:39
Did you remove MK's picons when installing the Ocram ones?

Debug logs will show location being used for picons.

09-04-15, 14:51
yep, there were not on pendrive anymore. I only left an empty directory. Should I delete it too?
That's how it looks like now:

Is there a way of removing installed ipks? I just tried to install the other package again and it said that 1 was installed or removed (with 1 error)

09-04-15, 15:00
yep, there were not on pendrive anymore. I only left an empty directory. Should I delete it too?

Yes otherwise the image is looking in a empty folder expecting to find picons.

09-04-15, 15:23
Still no luck. I removed all plugins unpluged the usb and restarted. Then I installed the plugin and restarted. No change.

Then I removed the plugin again I placed new MK picons on the usb and the same story. Only SNPicons are shown, not conventional.

I'll do a factory reset and clean install later today and we'll see what happens:mad::(

09-04-15, 15:28
There is absolutely no need for a factory reset, all a factory reset does is wipe the user area where your settings are stored, a reflash on the other hand wipes the entire flash before first flashing the new image.

09-04-15, 15:33
OK, I'll do a clean reflash and see what happens.

I've just tried to assign picons manually for each channel via dreamboxedit and this works fine. They even show up in the front pannel. So I completely dont understand why my vu+ box don't see them from usb or a other picon folders. Mistery to me.

Thansk for your help. I'll get back once I do a clean reflash

abu baniaz
09-04-15, 16:39
Just install Ocram's set. Make sure you only have one picon folder.

09-04-15, 22:23
OK, so I've done a fresh flash (openvix-Apollo.165-vuduo2_usb.zip) and only scanned the satellite for channels and installed Conventional Ocram 400x240. I saw picons on the front pannel but not in the info bar, channel list nor EPG. I've selected all the options to enable picons there (I think) but still nothing. But once I restarted the box they all appeared in in the channel list, EPG, info bar and on the front pannel.

No the picon dir looks like that now:

So I must have mess something with some settings somewhere in the old image that prevented them from showing.

I've noticed that all my previous channels were on satellite 28.4E and now they all are on 28.2E. Would this cause problems?

Thanks guys for all your help! I apreciate it!