View Full Version : How to upgrade to latest version of Vix (v166) from v152?

07-04-15, 23:24
Ok I'm going to see if I can upgrade my solo2 to the latest version of Vix. I currently have 152 and want to get to 166

Although I have been upgrading regularly via "software update" afterwards, it did not actually update anything.

If you are on a build before 155, you cannot restore from a backup, you will have to fresh flash and setup as new. You will encounter problems in the long run if you restore any backups prior to 155 build.

Thanks Andy, that piece of information now stumps me on the best way to proceed. My box works ok, but I am using an old version that will not update.

My goal is to be able to back up all my settings and skin (Blue HD) etc to avoid the many hours setting it all up from scratch.

Im preparation I have downloaded openvix-Apollo.165-vusolo_usb.zip to laptop
I have taken a backup of my 152 system using Vix Backup Manager
I have taken a backup of "settings" using isettings v 3.3.3 (plugin from addons) .
I have CCam - Probably I should make a note of those details, I am hoping that a settings backup will bring these along too?

Questions I am still wondering about

Will this new install erase all my recorded movies, and downloads from TSMedia and Kodi?
Will I have to set up all my tv timers again?
Will I have to find and install and set up all the settings and proxies on all my addons again?

Does anyone know if it's possible to create a backup (settings) that I can then import into Vix 166 from 152? or the best steps I can follow to do this painlessly.

I am guessing there are many people who started updating from v145 - 155 and think they now have the lasted version of Vix. It's not until I looked at the actual version number that the backup had made on the hard drive did I realise they were all v152 and Vix still reports software updates still available - despite having installed them weeks/months ago!

Hopefully this thread will help more than me.

abu baniaz
07-04-15, 23:30
Some answers to your questions.

Will this new install erase all my recorded movies, and downloads from TSMedia and Kodi?

Nothing on HDD is affected

Will I have to set up all my tv timers again?

You can restore your timer files. They are stored in /etc/enigma2. Make sure Enigma is not running when you transfer them over. This is achieved by issuing an init 4 command.

I have CCcam - Probably I should make a note of those details, I am hoping that a settings backup will bring these along too?

The config file to read your card "CCcam.cfg" is located in /etc/ Save to your PC and send back after you reflash.

Please note following:

Thread will be moved to the ViX-Team-Images-Support-Discussion section. It is best to use the image support section for image issues as problems/solutions are usually the same irrespectve of receiver. It also helps others searching for the same issue although they may have another receiver.

Please read the thread in link below which explains things better.

http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?33155-ALL-MEMBERS-PLEASE-READ!-New-method-of-posting-in-ViX-Support-Section (http://www.world-of-satellite.com/showthread.php?33155-ALL-MEMBERS-PLEASE-READ!-New-method-of-posting-in-ViX-Support-Section)!

Please bear in mind for future support questions.

07-04-15, 23:47
Hi abu baniaz, thanks for answering some of my questions.

Sorry I posted I the wrong place. I posted in the general Solo2 forum, my thinking being that it may get spotted by people who don't know they may have a problem, and like me think they have been regularly "updating" successfully from an older build, but have doing so in vain, and according to Andy_Hazza now can't import a settings backup from before v155 into the new build 166. and are faced with this same problem.

This is achieved by issuing an init 4 command.

I'll be using Filezilla how do issue an init 4 command to stop Enigma2 running?

abu baniaz
07-04-15, 23:58
Filezilla is for transferring files. You can use Putty to issue telnet commands. Check link in signature. (There are other ways).

07-04-15, 23:59
that maybe a telnet command and not filezilla,will leave that with the experts.

08-04-15, 00:43
Note that you CANNOT restore your settings backup after flashing. You must setup from scratch. You can save your cccam.cfg found in /etc and your timers and auto timers found in /etc/enigma2. You may also want to write down or screen shot your service settings. You can also save and restore your bouquets either by using something like dbedit or copy from /etc/enigma2.

To put the box to sleep telnet to it using putty or similar and issue the command init 4. To wake up init 3.

08-04-15, 00:55
Thanks Tkr001, you can imagine my disappointment at that, it's not exactly what I wanted to read, that's for sure.

I have downloaded iSettings from addons, do you have any experience with that? Do you think that may do it? (clutching at straws now) :(

So other than screenshotting all the settings on every screen I can find ... I'm stuffed?

I have 152 would downloading 153 then doing backup, then downloading 154...ditto, 155 ...ditto 156 THEN 166 work?

Just looking for some sort of work around. I don't understand why 155 was made incompatible with 156 onwards. Surly it wasn't designed that way to make everyone start from day 1 again with a brand new install and work out all the settings manually - surly not?

abu baniaz
08-04-15, 01:11
What is you exact setup?

08-04-15, 02:19
When you say exact setup .... is this what you mean?

I have a Vu+ solo2. with internet
single static dish with twin LMB A B
Blue HD skin. Tweaked most of the setting in the skin to work the way I want. PIP, no picons
tv from sky SD, location merseyside
Timer setup for recordings
Plugins, Cross EPG, Firmware update, open wibif, transcoding setup,
also Kodi, Ts Media, Isetting, (these aren't essential as are easy to download sand setup)

Thats all I can think of at the moment. If there is something I've forgotten or you want to know just ask

abu baniaz
08-04-15, 18:22
The only think that is "special" is the skin which you have tweaked. Even then, I'm guessing you saved the tweaked files on your computer.

Might be an idea for you to wait for the new image which will require a fresh flash with no restore flash. Unless you want the practice. Also FTP to /etc/enigma2/ You will find fiel called settings. The settings are stored in there. Most plugins do not remove their entries. If you trim it to juct what is in image, then you can transfer to receiver and most settings will be as you left them.

08-04-15, 23:10
Thanks abu baniaz

The I guess the other thing that is special is the settings in cross epg and the "satellite setup"... using Astra ...pointing to SKY SD ...time when bouquet download etc and how the bouquets are numbered, and of course Ccam details.

For the purpose of creating a step by step, I am assuming the below procedure will copy all this stuff over too.

From what you have said am I right in thinking that if I want to install Vix build 165 all I have to do is

1) Use FTP Filezilla) and go to /etc/enigma2/ and copy the settings file to your laptop (or download Filebrowser from addons and do it that way, using copy (yellow) Move (Green))

2) Install Vix build 165 (for solo2 from here http://www.openvix.co.uk/index.php?dir=Vu%2BSolo2/)

3) After the image has installed to put that settings file back?

This sounds too simple, and I wondering why Build 165 can't import that settings file itself?

If I have misunderstood the steps can you list a step by step please of any additional files I will need to manually copy it so all goes smoothly.


abu baniaz
09-04-15, 00:17
The file called "settings" is the config file. Not sure what we want to define as "settings". If we mean two differnt things you won't be happy. Please read it and most things will be self explanatory.

1. Ensure your modified skin is on your PC. If not, copy it to pc.

2. If your bouquets are personalised, use Dreamset or other such programs to back them up to PC. There is another way.

I just use ABM,AB 28.2 so no point. Personalised config files are already on PC

3. Copy the following files to your PC

4. Delete values not relevant from the file called "settings". I keep this file on my PC and saves me having to set most values after flashing a new image.

5. Flash new image

6. When you get to first install wizard, stop enigma with "init 4". It will have an IP adddres if you have a DHCP enabled even though you have not got to the network setup stage.

7. Transfer the files/folders back

8. Resend your bouquets (if applicable).Otherwise run ABM afterwards.

9. Restart Enigma2 with "init 3"

10. If CCcam does not start, chmod it to 755. It is in /usr/softcams/

Most of this can be achieved by creating a backup, flashing a new image. At first install wizard, restore settings but not plugins.

09-04-15, 02:14
Thank you so much, I knew it might be more complicated than I first believed.

I'll try this on the weekend when I have no time pressures on me

Most of this can be achieved by creating a backup, flashing a new image. At first install wizard, restore settings but not plugins.

I was going to go down the "backup and flashing a new image" route until I read this.

Do you think I will be able to use a backup from v152 and flash 165?

Originally Posted by Andy_Hazza

If you are on a build before 155, you cannot restore from a backup, you will have to fresh flash and setup as new. You will encounter problems in the long run if you restore any backups prior to 155 build.

09-04-15, 02:19
One more question, when I was reinstalling an old image backup last week, I noticed it said 7 bad blocks on the Hard drive. Should I ignore this or do you think I should I start with a format?

09-04-15, 05:45
One more question, when I was reinstalling an old image backup last week, I noticed it said 7 bad blocks on the Hard drive. Should I ignore this or do you think I should I start with a format?
If you were couch flashing it would be referring to flash memory and can be ignored if the number of bad blocks never changes. Almost all flash will have some bad blocks.

02-05-15, 17:08
Thank you for the great tutorial, it wasn't as daunting as I first feared. Phew!

I followed every step and it only took a few minutes.

I stopped the solo2 wit init 4, (using putty) and I copied the files back


Then I restated with init 3 and rebooted it too.

Only problem is that I seem to have lost Sky1, Sky Living, Atlantic etc

I checked the cccam /info and the server info seems to be there.

An ideas?

02-05-15, 17:13
If using ABM, rescan.

02-05-15, 18:27
Originally Posted by orange1234
One more question, when I was reinstalling an old image backup last week, I noticed it said 7 bad blocks on the Hard drive. Should I ignore this or do you think I should I start with a format?

If you were couch flashing it would be referring to flash memory and can be ignored if the number of bad blocks never changes. Almost all flash will have some bad blocks.

I saw it again today on the ofgwrite Flashing Tool. (I was reverting to an image backup)

Bad blocks 7 (uncritical when no changes)

I was wondering if that is referring to the HD or the flash memory? If it's the HD, how do I do a format, is that the factory reset?

02-05-15, 18:42
Nothing to worry about.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-05-15, 21:22
I saw it again today on the ofgwrite Flashing Tool. (I was reverting to an image backup)

Bad blocks 7 (uncritical when no changes)

I was wondering if that is referring to the HD or the flash memory? If it's the HD, how do I do a format, is that the factory reset?Its referring to flash. Just ignore it.